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hú tòng
  • alleyway;lane;alley
胡同 [hú tòng]
  • [alley;lane] 也曾写作衚衕。宽度只可步行的小巷;宽度只可通行一辆车的小街

胡同[hú tòng]
  1. 突然从一个胡同里哇姆!

    Suddenly , out of an alleyway , wham !

  2. 既然他知道,为什么又会停留在这个不属于他的胡同?

    Do not since he knows why the meeting remains , belong to his alleyway in this ?

  3. 我们想走的头一条路结果是条死胡同。

    The first street we tried turned out to be a dead end .

  4. 这条胡同的顶头有一家商店。

    There is a shop at the end of this lane .

  5. 胡同拐角处有个邮筒。

    There is a pillar box at the street corner .

  6. 我住在这条胡同里倒数第二家。

    I live in the last house but one in this lane .

  7. 我们把车子开进了一条死胡同,只得退出来。

    We drove into a dead end and had to back out .

  8. 这条死胡同的尽头是砖墙。

    The blind alley ended in a brick wall .

  9. 我恐怕你走到死胡同里来了。

    I 'm afraid you came into a blind alley .

  10. 这条胡同儿很宽,汽车过得去。

    The lane is wide enough for a car to get through .

  11. 把着胡同口儿有个小饭馆。

    There is a small restaurant at the entrance of the alley .

  12. 那种推理方法只会把你引进另一条死胡同。

    The line of reasoning will only lead you up another blind alley .

  13. 胡同拐角儿有个邮筒。

    There is a postbox at the street corner .

  14. 这条胡同儿走到头就是60号。

    No.60 is at the end of the lane .

  15. 这胡同有个弯儿。

    There 's a curve in the lane .

  16. 胡同顶头有个公用电话。

    There is a public telephone ( booth ) at the end of this lane .

  17. 我担心我们目前这种干法可能是条死胡同。

    I 'm afraid our present course of action may turn out to be a blind alley .

  18. 绕了半天,还是没走出胡同。

    I 've been walking around for a long time , but I still haven 't got out of the hutong .

  19. 礼亲王府位于西城区西皇城根南街西侧,即大酱坊胡同东口路北。

    Liqin Wang house at the West City West Street West of imperial root , miso square east side alley northbound .

  20. 生活中,你会发现很多死胡同,但你总会找到出路的。

    In your life you will find many dead ends but you will always find your way out of them .

  21. 今年夏天我要去北京品尝美食,逛胡同!我等不及了!

    This summer I 'll go to Beijing to have a taste of delicious food and walk around hutong ! I can 't wait !

  22. China中国北京前门胡同里的餐馆以火锅而闻名。

    In Beijing the restaurants in the alleyways of Qian Men are renowned for hot pot , or huo guo .

  23. 你可以泛泛地谈论某事,例如:LifeintheHutongs/胡同生活。

    You can talk about things in a general way , e.g.Life in the Hutongs / Life in the Hutongs .

  24. Socialnetworking对事业发展很重要,可能会决定一个人的成功,还是,beingstuckatacareerdead-end在事业上走进死胡同。

    It really can mean the difference between success and being stuck at a career dead-end .

  25. 第三章运用PEST分析模型,详细分析大胡同小商品批发市场的外部环境。

    Chapter 3 : By PEST analysis model , the thesis analysis Market external environment in detail .

  26. 日本地处所谓“台风胡同”(TyphoonAlley)地带的中央。

    Japan is located in the middle of what is known as typhoon alley .

  27. 多年来,商业软件是创新的死胡同,被微软(Microsoft)、甲骨文(Oracle)和其他根深蒂固的巨头所主导。

    For years , business software was a dead-end for innovation , dominated as it was by Microsoft , Oracle , and other entrenched incumbents .

  28. bae自己已经走进了一条死胡同,令其处境更加艰难。

    Bae has made its life harder by driving into a cul-de-sac .

  29. 因为使用XML跟踪的是实际项目的开发,所以比起在只有一种假设情况的一篇一次性文章中,我有更多机会告诫您提防死胡同。

    Because Working XML follows the development of actual projects , it will give me more opportunities to warn you against dead ends than I 'd have in a one-shot article with only a hypothetical situation .

  30. Palmer表示,对这个职位的历史有一个简单的了解会让你知道该职位已经存在多年还是一个员工的死胡同。

    Getting a brief history on the role should clear up whether the position has expanded over the years or has been a dead end for employees , Palmer says .