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  1. 一方面,民族意识及民族自豪感增强,将冒姓汉朝宗室的刘姓改为胡族特征非常明显的赫连氏,刻意强调和凸显其民族特征;

    On the one hand , their national sense and pride picked up , deliberately emphasizing and projecting their national characteristics .

  2. 这些留守的北方大族与在中原立足的胡族政权建立了相互合作的关系,并参与了其政权的制度建设。

    These stayed nobles in the north established mutually cooperation to Wu Hu regimes , and participated the construction of its political system .

  3. 本社属志愿团体,所有开支均会向社员公布,所有赞助均将有计划的进行胡族事务的开展。

    Society this belong to wish group , all expenses can announce to member all patronage planned to carry on moustache clan development of affairs .

  4. 另一方面,汉族也不断向西域、周边少数民族输出中原的农业文明,这对提高胡族的饮食文明产生过积极的作用。

    On the other hand , Han nationality spread continuously its agricultural civilization to the minority nationalities of Xiyu and neighboring areas , which did good to the dietary civilization of Hu nationality .

  5. 最后经过胡族统治者们的不懈努力,北方胡族政权的正统地位得到了北方汉族的认可,北朝历史成为中国历史发展的主流,开启了隋唐历史的先河。

    Finally , under the Hu ethic rulers make great efforts , Hu ethnic regimes are approved by the Han ethnic of the North , Northern history becomes the mainstream of China history and opens the beginning of Sui-Tang history .

  6. 一年前,FNL领袖鲁瓦萨在与之前的胡图族总统多米蒂安·恩达伊泽耶在坦桑尼亚面对面谈判之后第一次签署停战协议。

    The FNL leader , Agathon Rwasa , signed the first truce a year ago after face to face talks in Tanzania with the then Hutu president Domitien Ndayizeye .

  7. 胡图族的大多数杀害了图西人和胡图人中的温和派,据估计,约有80万人被杀。

    Members of the ethnic Hutu majority killed Tutsis and moderate Hutus . By some estimates , around eight hundred thousand people were killed ;

  8. 恩孔达说,他在保护这一地区的图西族人不受在这里活动的卢旺达胡图族民兵的伤害,并要求同刚果政府举行直接谈判。

    Nkunda says he is protecting the region 's ethnic Tutsi community from Rwandan Hutu militia operating in the area , and has demanded direct negotiations with the Congolese government .

  9. 本文的第三章主要论述了北魏迁都洛阳之后对这胡、汉两种因素所带来的的影响:即迁都遗弃了那些胡族和胡化程度较深的人口;

    The third chapter mainly discuss two kind of factor brong influence after Northern Wei moving the capital to Luoyang .