  • swelling
  • swell;be swollen
  • 皮肉浮胀:~胀。~瘤。~痛。浮~。红~。脓~。臃~。


(隆起处) swelling:

  • 消肿

    subside a swelling;

  • 肿消了一点。

    The swelling has gone down a little.


(突起) swell; be swollen:

  • 踝节部肿得很厉害。

    The ankle was badly swollen.

  • 牙痛使他的脸都肿了。

    His face swelled up with the toothache.

  1. 肿消了一点。

    The swelling has gone down a little .

  2. 整条腿都肿起来了。

    The swelling affected the entire leg .

  3. 她哭得两眼又红又肿。

    Her eyes were red and swollen from crying .

  4. 他满身青肿,而且颈部过度屈伸受伤。

    He was very bruised and suffering from whiplash .

  5. 他除了一点青肿之外没有受伤。

    He was slightly bruised but otherwise unhurt .

  6. 她眼睛都哭肿了。

    Her eyes were puffy from crying .

  7. 我的两个脚腕子都肿了。

    My ankles have swollen .

  8. 他脸上有疤痕,还有几处奇怪的肿包。

    His face was scarred and oddly puffy in places .

  9. 我的眼睛肿得很厉害,几乎看不到东西。

    My eyes were so swollen I could hardly see .

  10. 她继续按摩又肿又疼的右脚。

    She continued massaging her right foot , which was bruised and aching .

  11. 四肢肿得不得了。

    The limbs swell to an enormous size .

  12. 我肩上肿了一块。

    I 've got a lump on my shoulder

  13. 他的嘴上挨了枪托的地方都肿了起来。

    His mouth was all puffed up where he had taken a rifle butt .

  14. 布赖恩的脚趾还是肿得很厉害,穿不上鞋。

    Brian 's toe is still badly swollen and he cannot put on his shoe

  15. 你夜里脚踝肿吗?

    Do your ankles swell at night ?

  16. 她脸上长斑,而且肿起来了。

    Her face is blotched and swollen .

  17. 牙痛使他的脸都肿了。

    His face swelled up with the toothache .

  18. 她的眼皮都哭肿了。

    Her eyes were swollen from crying .

  19. 踝节部肿得很厉害。

    The ankle was badly swollen .

  20. 他虽然浑身青肿,但并未伤筋动骨。

    Although badly bruised all over , he had broken no bones .

  21. 我的腿都控肿了。

    My lower leg got swollen from hanging in midair .

  22. 他患腺体肿症。

    He suffered from swollen glands .

  23. 他浑身淤肿。

    He was covered with bruises .

  24. 我的腿肿了。

    My legs are swollen .

  25. 那是在拉斯维加斯一家很受欢迎的酒店,里面聚集了许多陌生人,我一点点向前推,不知不觉中,我的膝盖就卡住了,渐渐肿了起来。

    Inch by inch , I kept pushing and before I knew it , my knee was stuck and swelling before my eyes and in front of lots of strangers at a popular Las Vegas hotel !

  26. 因为整天站着,她的双腿已经肿了。

    Her legs had got swollen from standing up all day .

  27. 蚊子叮了她,她的手臂肿起来了。

    A mosquito had bitten her and her arm had swollen up .

  28. 从昨天起,我的眼皮就肿了。

    My eyelid has been tumid since yesterday .

  29. 他那受伤的手腕开始肿了。

    His injured wrist began to swell .

  30. 由于感染,他的手肿了起来。

    The infection swelled his hand .