
zhǒng zhàng
  • swelling;distend;puff;plumping;tympanites
肿胀 [zhǒng zhàng]
  • [swelling] 由于发炎、淤血或充血,身体某一部分体积增大

肿胀[zhǒng zhàng]
  1. 龙的毒素会引起瘫痪、肿胀和恶心。

    Poison from the weaver fish causes paralysis , swelling , and nausea

  2. 那个囊肿正在引起肿胀,压迫着她的大脑。

    The cyst was causing swelling and exerting pressure on her brain .

  3. 她的腺体肿胀。

    Her glands are swollen .

  4. 二氧化碳气体通过这个切口进入,造成腹腔肿胀。

    Through this incision , the abdominal cavity is distended with carbon dioxide gas

  5. 她身体一直肿胀,最后疼得皮肤像要涨裂开似的。

    Her body bloated and puffed up till pain seemed to burst out through her skin .

  6. 他的脸有些肿胀。

    His face was a little puffed

  7. 肿胀已经开始消退,他能忍着痛一瘸一拐地走了。

    The swelling had begun to go down , and he was able , with pain , to hobble .

  8. 坏死性包皮炎以肥育牛场的阉牛和公牛呈现包皮外翻性肿胀,水肿和坏死为特征。

    Necrotic posthitis is characterized by evertive swelling , edema and necrosis in the prepuce of feedlot steers and bulls .

  9. 在极端情况下,其甚至会导致脑肿胀和心脏感染。

    In extreme cases it can even cause brain swelling4 and heart infections .

  10. 有时候因为肿胀的部位挤压到头颅,有可能会造成一些障碍。

    Sometimes , due to the way the swelling tissue presses against the skull5 , it can cause some impairment .

  11. 他们还会被询问决策能力如何,是否出现呕吐、肿胀、呼吸急促、非计划性体重减轻、脱水或食欲不振。

    The ability to make decisions is also asked and whether they have suffered vomiting4 , swelling5 , shortness of breath , unplanned weight loss , dehydration6 or loss of appetite .

  12. 结果:CT可见①弥漫性脑肿胀;

    Results : The manifestations on CT scan were : ① difuse cerebral swelling ;

  13. 肿胀激活状态下蛋白激酶C同工酶亚型在胃癌耐药细胞系的亚细胞分布变化及其意义

    Alteration of subcellular distribution of protein kinase C isoforms in swelling-activated multi-drug-resistant gastric cancer cells and its significance

  14. 血氨均正常;头颅CT均显示显著脑肿胀,可见对称性基底核低密度病变。

    Blood ammonemia was normal , brain CT scans revealed peripheral or basal nuclei low-density areas .

  15. 结果心传导系统的P细胞(起搏细胞)肿胀、变形,胞质内线粒体肿胀、空泡化。

    Results There were swelling and deformation of pacemaker cells ( p cells ) and mitochondrial swelling and vacuolization in cardiac conduct system .

  16. 肺泡Ⅱ型上皮(PⅡ)肿胀、退变。

    The most prominent changes were pulmonary tissue congestion , edema , collapse , type ⅱ epithelial cells ( P ⅱ) swelling and degeneration .

  17. 超微病理改变表现为肺泡上皮细胞水肿,I型上皮细胞肿胀,n型上皮细胞微绒毛脱落,板层体排空,血管内皮细胞肿胀,肺泡隔间隙明显增厚。

    Ultrastructural changes showed the edema of epithelial cells and endothelial cells , both type I and type II cell injuries .

  18. 伊红-苯胺黑染色、低渗肿胀实验和考马斯亮蓝染色法检测结果高度相关(r≥0.9981)。

    The results from eosin-nigrosine staining , Hypoosmotic Swelling Test and Coomassie blue staining were highly correlated ( r ≥ 0.9981 ) .

  19. 肿块与软组织肿胀:MRI对其显示率为均可显示(27例),且能界定二者,明显优于X线平片与CT。

    Mass and soft-tissue edema could be found and differentiated in 27 cases with MRI , which was obviously better than that with X-ray and CT .

  20. 多巴胺不改变膜电位,却抑制总ATP酶活性,导致线粒体肿胀。

    Dopamine inhibited total ATPase activity and induced mitochondrial swelling but showed little effect on the membrane potential .

  21. 并分别计算两组的CSA肿胀率。

    And calculated CSA swelling ratio respectively .

  22. 观察淫羊藿苷对线粒体肿胀度、呼吸链复合体酶Ⅰ~Ⅳ活性、丙二醛(MDA)含量的影响。

    The mitochondrial swelling , activity of complex ⅰ - complex ⅳ and the content of malondialdehyde ( MDA ) were measured .

  23. 结果:压力组和循环组患手肿胀程度、疼痛的目测类比定级均明显改善(P<0.01),掌指关节活动度能较好保持(P>0.05);

    Result : There were good effect on decreasing dropsy and pain , and improving ROM of metacarpophalangeal in group 1 and group 2 ( P < 0.01 , P < 0.01 ) .

  24. 治疗3天后疼痛、坏死、肿胀、血栓比较,两组问存在显著差异(P0.0l或P0.05)。

    Two groups had statistically different compared with pain , putrescence , swell and thrombus after three days treatment ( P0.01 or P0.05 ) .

  25. 结论1.雷公藤多苷治疗剂量可以减轻AA大鼠踝关节肿胀程度,发挥其药效作用。

    TWP of low dose could play the role of treatment through relieving the degree of ankle swelling in AA rats .

  26. 结论迟发性脑肿胀好发于对冲性额、颞叶挫裂伤伴明显蛛网膜下腔出血、硬膜下薄层血肿及早期CT有脑肿胀者。

    Conclusion Delayed traumatic brain swelling is inclined to occur in contrecoup brain injury , and especially accompanied with SAH , thin subdural hematoma and brain swelling showed in early CT scanning .

  27. 伤后48h、72h,微血管内皮细胞肿胀明显,内皮细胞核呈均质状。

    On 48h and 72h , endothelium cells swelled evidently and the nucleus was homogenous .

  28. 电镜观察:对照组:肌节排列整齐,Z线清晰,线粒体嵴致密,细胞膜完整,无肿胀,结构正常。

    Control group : sarcomere neatly , Z line clear , mitochondrial cristae density , cell membrane integrity , no swelling , structure is normal .

  29. 麦粒灸对佐剂性关节炎大鼠足跖肿胀度及滑膜组织NF-kB表达的影响

    Influence of Grain-moxibustion on Joint Swelling and NF-kB Expression in Adjuvant Arthritis Rats

  30. 结果不同浓度美洛昔康体内、外给药,对脾淋巴细胞增殖、腹腔MΦ产生IL-1和对足爪肿胀的抑制作用,均随药物剂量增大而增强,且呈剂量依赖性。

    Results Dose dependent inhibitory activities of meloxicam on lymphocyte proliferation , IL 1 production and swollen feet and paws were shown .