
  1. 那个女孩吸入烟雾,窒息而死。

    The girl choked to death after breathing in smoke

  2. 许多人死于吸入烟雾或用木柴或煤火炉做饭。

    Many people die as a result of breathing smoke or from cooking over wood - powered or coal-powered stoves .

  3. 但就在你觉得编剧又要把Jack的死因拖延几集后,他突然倒地,由于吸入烟雾过多,他心脏病发作,再也没有站起来。

    Just when you think This Is Us is going postpone his inevitable demise for a few more episodes though , he collapses and dies of a heart attack , caused by smoke inhalation .

  4. 结果:大鼠吸入烟雾损伤后2hPMVP明显增大,6h达高峰;

    RESULTS The PMVP was enlarged obviously at 2 h and reached the highest at 6 h post-smoke-inhalation injury in rats .

  5. 而且吸入烟雾就能导致心律不齐。

    And smoke inhalation already explains the arrhythmia .

  6. 肯定远离繁忙的周六下午,以避免吸入烟雾。

    Definitely stay away from peak hours on Saturday afternoon to avoid inhaling fumes .

  7. 美丽通常是要付出代价的,但是吸入烟雾的代价也太大了。

    Beauty always comes at a cost , but breathing in fumes is too high a price .

  8. 原发性肺鼠疫是由吸入烟雾状传染性飞沫造成的,并可在没有跳蚤或动物卷入的情况下在人与人之间传播。

    Primary pneumonic plague results from inhalation of aerosolized infective droplets and can be transmitted from human to human without involvement of fleas or animals .

  9. 由阻塞正常呼吸引起的失去知觉或死亡,成因包括供氧不足、或者吸入有害烟雾。

    Asphyxiation kill or render unconscious by obstructing normal breathing such as inadequate oxygen or presence of noxious fumes .

  10. 我国拥有众多的香烟消费人群,香烟消费量亦十分惊人,然而目前对吸入香烟烟雾所致的肺气道反应及相关疾病的研究还远远不够,至今尚无合适的动物定量吸香烟模型。

    Numerous smokers and enormous consumption of cigarettes consist in our country , whereas it is quite insufficient in the study about the airway responses to smoke and related diseases .

  11. 当时,这名男子并不想被救出,最后因为吸入大量烟雾引起身体不适才被送入医院。

    At that time , the man is still very reluctant to be saved out , and finally he inhaled too much smoke because the discomfort was sent to the hospital .

  12. 一氧化氮吸入疗法对烟雾吸入性损伤犬心脏能量代谢和病理变化的研究

    Effect of inhaled nitric oxide on cardiac energy metabolism and cardiac pathological change in

  13. 吸入一氧化氮改善烟雾吸入性损伤犬肺通气功能的意义

    Effect of Inhaled Nitric Oxide on Pulmonary Ventilation Function of Dogs Suffered from Smoke Inhalation Injury

  14. 纵火案女死者的死因是吸入过多烟雾。

    Female arson fatality.c.o.d.is smoke inhalation .

  15. 吸入一氧化氮对烟雾吸入性损伤犬肺组织含水量的影响

    The effect of inhaled nitric oxide on pulmonary tissue water content in dogs after smoke inhalation injury

  16. 另一个同样严峻的事实是,每年有成千上万从不吸烟者死于因吸入二手烟草烟雾(简称二手烟)所导致的疾病。

    Equally alarming is the fact that hundreds of thousands of people who have never smoked die each year from diseases caused by breathing second-hand tobacco smoke .

  17. 电子烟的工作原理是将含有尼古丁的烟液雾化成可吸入人体的烟雾,因此吸电子烟的人通常被形容成“吸雾”,而不是吸烟。

    E-cigarettes work by turning nicotine-infused liquid into vapour , which is then inhaled . A user is therefore said to be " vaping , " not smoking .

  18. 本实验通过研究雾化吸入米力农对烟雾吸入性损伤后大鼠炎症/抗炎介质以及氧化/抗氧化介质的影响,探讨其对烟雾吸入性损伤的肺保护作用。

    This experiment is studying the lung protective effects in smoke inhalation injury of the inhaled aerosol milrinone , by detecting the inflammatory / antiinflammatory mediators and oxidative / antioxidant mediators . Objectives : 1 .

  19. 别人吸入你呼出的烟雾会受到严重伤害。

    People who breathe in your tobacco smoke can be seriously harmed .

  20. 但是乘客没有任何保护措施,无法避免吸入周围汽车的烟雾和气体。

    But the passengers have no protection from breathing in the smoke and gases from surrounding cars .

  21. 他指出,世界卫生组织估计,每年超过150万人因吸入固体燃料的烟雾而死亡。

    He notes a World Health Organization that more than one and a half million people a year die from breathing smoke from solid fuels .