
  1. 作业组X射线(高千伏)检查发现肺纹理增多、紊乱等改变454例(51.0%),而对照组只有4例。

    The chest X-ray ( HKV ) examination showed that 454 cases had lung marking changes , but the control group only 4 cases .

  2. 结果:炎性假瘤主要的CT表现是边缘可清楚或模糊,无明显分叶,可有长毛刺,胸膜增厚粘连,周围肺纹理增多增粗等。

    Results the main CT findings of inflammatory pseudotumor are that the edges are smooth , no-lobulation , long thorn , local pleural thickness and adhesion , thickening and bending of pulmonary grain .

  3. 此外对于合并呼吸道感染的PS患儿也可表现为肺纹理增多(9/75)。

    In addition , for the PS combined with respiratory infections can also be manifested with increased lung markings ( 9 / 75 ) . 5 .

  4. X射线胸片(高千伏)检查接尘组发现肺纹理增多、紊乱等改变19例,无尘肺(0+)5例,而对照组肺纹理改变只有2例。

    The chest X-ray examination showed that 19 cases had lung marking changes and 5 cases were classified as non-pneumoconiosis 0 ~ + in dust exposure group , but only 2 controls had lung marking change .

  5. 68例患者有吞咽困难,常规胸片检查发现45例患者发生肺纹理增多,55例有EKG的异常。

    Dysphagia was found in 68 patients , increased pulmonary markings in 45 patients , and abnormal EKG in 55 patients .

  6. 5例仅表现为两肺纹理增多、紊乱。

    Cases showed thickness or turbulence of texture in bilateral lungs .

  7. 肺纹理增多9例;

    Increased lung markings in 9 and no abnormality .

  8. 肺纹理增多,增粗6例;

    Peribronchial thickening in 6 cases ;

  9. 胸部X线检查可见肺纹理增多,小片状侵润或广泛侵润。

    Chest X-ray shows increasing , small lung texture emplacement embellish or patchy widely invade embellish .

  10. X线显示肺纹理增多2例,1例表现正常。

    X-ray chest plain films showed the lung markings increased in 2 cases , normal in 1 case .

  11. 结果X线表现肺纹理增多197例,肺纹理紊乱187例,肺纹理僵直105例,肺纹理模糊194例。肺门影增大91例,肺门模糊93例。

    Results The radiographic features included lung marking heavy 197 , disorder 187 , straight 105 and obscure 194 ;

  12. 结果:(1)首次胸片表现:①肺纹理增多12例,其中1例见双轨征;

    Results : ( 1 ) The initial film showed : ① the lung markings increased in 12 cases and 1 of them showed orbit sign ;

  13. 关节外表现以乏力、肺纹理增多和肺间质病变多见,而皮下结节少。

    The outer presentation of ERA patients was asthenia , increase of lung marking , more frequent interstitial lung diseases ( ILD ), and fewer subcutaneous nodes .

  14. 肺纹理增多伴网状阴影7例(23.3%),磨玻璃状阴影3例(10%),斑片状阴影12例(40%),片状阴影7例(23.3%)。

    Enhanced lung markings with reticular shadows in 7 cases ( 24.1 % ), ground glass opacity in 3 ( 10 % ), mottling shadows in 12 ( 40 % ) and patchy shadows in 7 ( 23.3 % ) .

  15. 26例(72.2%)胸片异常,表现为肺纹理增多紊乱、肺门阴影增浓、以肺门为中心向外扩散的蝶形阴影、肺部片状模糊阴影、肋膈角模糊或消失。

    26 cases ( 72.2 % ) had abnormal chest radiographic films , which included increased and / or disordered lung marking , densed hilar shadows , butterfly shadows , spot and cloud shadows in lung fields , obscure or obliteration of the costophrenic angle .

  16. 影像学表现:胸部异常占38%,以肺门阴影增大、肺纹理增多、小斑点状模糊影为常见,少数可有含液面空洞、胸腔积液及脑出血。

    Abnormal chest imaging findings were seen in 38 % patients , manifested as hilar enlargement , increased lung markings , obscured patchy or punctate shadows , and pleural effusion . Cerebral hemorrhage could be found .

  17. 双肺大片状浸润3例;双肺纹理增多模糊,弥漫性小片状浸润伴代偿性肺气肿2例。

    Exaggerated and indistinct lung markings with diffuse small patchy infiltration and compensatory emphysema in 2 case .

  18. 50例中表现为胸膜炎和(或)胸腔积液26例,狼疮肺炎15例,弥漫性肺间质纤维化5例,肺不张3例,肺纹理增多17例。

    Fourty one ( 82 % ) cases were under fourty years of age : Twenty six patients had pleurisy without effusion , fifteen lupus pneumonitis , five diffuse interstitial fibrosis , three basal linear atelectasis , and seventeen bilateral thickening of lung markings .