
fèi jié hé
  • pulmonary tuberculosis;phthisis;consumption;decline
肺结核 [fèi jié hé]
  • [pulmonary tuberculosis] 结核杆菌引起的肺部慢性传染病,因吸入开放性肺结核病人咳出的带菌飞沫而感染。早期无明显症状。病情进展时,有倦怠、潮热、消瘦、咳嗽、咯血等症状。抗结核药可彻底治愈

肺结核[fèi jié hé]
  1. 一天夜里,有人打来电话,请他去给一位患肺结核的妇女看病。

    One night he was called to see a woman with tuberculosis .

  2. 我得了肺结核,被告知要在疗养院呆两年。

    I had tuberculosis and was told I 'd be in the sanatorium for two years .

  3. 发展中国家的可避免死亡中超过1/4是由肺结核引起的。

    More than a quarter of the avoidable deaths in the developing world are caused by TB

  4. 她死于肺结核。

    She died of consumption .

  5. 因此,一些老鼠被用来检测肺结核。

    As a result , some rats are being put to work to detect TB .

  6. 同时也更准确——老鼠能够发现更多的肺结核感染,因此能挽救更多的生命。

    It is also more accurate — the rats are able to find more TB infections and , therefore , save more lives .

  7. 人们90%的生活都在室内,哮喘带来的经济负担超过了HIV和肺结核的总合。

    People spend over 90 percent of their lives indoors . And the economic burden of asthma exceeds that of HIV and tuberculosis combined .

  8. 肺结核是一种可治愈的病。

    Tuberculosis is a curable disease .

  9. 高分辨力CT诊断和鉴别诊断肺结核的价值

    Value of High-Resolution CT in Diagnosis and Differential Diagnosis of Pulmonary Tuberculosis

  10. 肺结核的X线胸片与CT对比分析

    Comparison Analysis between Chest Radiography and CT for Pulmonary Tuberculosis

  11. X线与CT在诊断空洞型肺结核中的比较分析

    Comparative analysis on CT and X-ray plain film in diagnosis of phthisis

  12. 目的探讨CT影像在肺结核疗程中的诊断价值。

    Purpose Inquiry into the image of CT in the tuberculosis diagnosis value .

  13. 肺结核球的高分辨率CT诊断分析

    Diagnosing and Analysing Spheral Tuberculosis of Pulmonary by HRCT

  14. 目的探讨婴幼儿继发型肺结核的CT特点。

    Objective To discuss the CT manifestation of secondary pulmonary tuberculosis ( SPT ) .

  15. 活动性肺结核间质病变高分辨CT表现及病理基础

    The HRCT Manifestations and Pathological Basis of Interstitial Disorders in the Active Pulmonary Tuberculosis

  16. 他们还收集了未被污染的人体组织,DNA以及病原体,包括肺结核。

    They also collected samples of uncontaminated human tissue and DNA and pathogens including tuberculosis .

  17. 方法:分析33例老年急性粟粒型肺结核X线及CT表现。

    Methods : Imaging manifestations of 33 cases with acute miliary pulmonary tuberculosis were analyzed .

  18. 34例陈旧性肺结核并发周围型肺癌的X线和CT诊断

    X-Ray and CT Diagnosis of 34 Cases of Obsolete Pulmonary Tuberculosis Accompanied with Peripheral Lung Cancer

  19. 目的:比较和评价常规X线、CT扫描两种影像学方法在空洞性肺结核诊断中的价值。

    Objective To compare the routine X-ray film and CT scan in diagnosis of cavitary pulmonary tuberculosis .

  20. 结果:47例血行播散型肺结核组外周血白细胞层结核DNA总阳性率为65.9%;

    Results : The positive rate of tubercle DNA in 47 cases with disseminated tuberculosis was 65.9 % .

  21. 目的:回顾性分析成人不典型肺结核的CT表现,探讨与其他同影性疾病的鉴别方法,做到早诊断早治疗,减低病人的治疗成本和思想负担。

    Objective : To study CT findings of adult atypical pulmonary tuberculosis ( AAPT ) and the analysis of differential diagnosis .

  22. 结论:肺结核病人特异性抗体分泌水平降低可能与其B淋巴细胞处于低活化状态有关。

    CONCLUSION : The reason of low levels of specific antibody in patients may be related to the low activation state of B lymphocytes .

  23. 结果2100例肺结核病人中,HIV感染者9例,占0.43%。

    [ Results ] Among the 2 100 tuberculosis patients , 9 cases were HIV-infected ( 0.43 % );

  24. 他说,去年共有150万肺结核病人感染HIV病毒,增长了200000人。

    Last year , he says nearly 1.5-million TB patients were tested for HIV , an increase of 200000 .

  25. 目的评价监狱系统囚犯肺结核病人实施DOTS管理及治疗效果。

    Objective To estimate the curative effect of pulmonary TB criminals with DOTS conducted at prison .

  26. 目的监测慈利县活动性肺结核病人艾滋病毒(HIV)感染流行趋势,为制定艾滋病预防控制规划提供依据,为预防效果的评价提供准确信息。

    [ Objective ] To detect the epidemic tendency of HIV infection among tuberculosis patients and provide basis for AIDS prevention and control .

  27. 结论膜脂质流动性和SOD测定对辅助临床鉴别诊断肺结核和肺癌是有用的手段。

    Conclusion The membrane lipid fluidity and SOD might be useful biological markers for differential diagnosis between pulmonary tuberculosis and lung cancer .

  28. 方法:收集23例术前X线诊断为肺癌而手术病理证实为肺结核的X线片及CT片,对其X线表现进行分析。

    Methods : Preoperative x ray and CT films of 23 cases suspected of lung cancer who had tuberculosis actually proved by postoperative pathological analyses were collected and analyzed .

  29. 活动性肺结核患者血清sIL-2R与抗PPD抗体的相关性

    The correlation of sIL-2R and Anti-PPD antibody in patients with active pulmonary tuberculosis

  30. 联合检测结素试验和血清抗结核抗体对成人肺结核诊断预测价值:Bayesian分析

    The predictive value of tuberculin test and serum anti-Mycobacterium tuberculosis antibody detection in diagnosis of adult pulmonary tuberculosis : a Bayesian analysis