
  • 网络pulmonary encephalopathy;pulmonary cerebropathy;pulmonaryencephalopathy;pulmonaryencephalopathy,PE
  1. 用格拉斯哥昏迷评分标准对肺性脑病患者进行评分(GCS)。格拉斯哥评分在6-12分之间(10.12±1.38)。

    Pulmonary encephalopathy patients were graded 6 to 12 ( 10.12 ± 1.38 ) by Glasgow coma scale ( GCS ) criterion .

  2. 结论:对于COPD合并自主呼吸较稳定的肺性脑病患者,BiPAP通气联用可拉明是一种有效的治疗方法。

    Conclusion : In COPD patients complicated with pulmonary encephalopathy who have stable autonomous respiration , BiPAP combined with coramine is an effective therapeutic measure .

  3. 本文分析了11例肺性脑病患者脑CT所见,发现有以下几种表现:①脑质低密度。②脑水肿。

    The CT findings of 11 cases with pulmonic encephalopathy were analysed .

  4. 肺性脑病脑CT表现

    The CT findings of pulmonic encephalopathy

  5. 结论入院时病情重,有明显的肺性脑病表现及喘息,肺部感染控制不理想,入院后3d对治疗反应差者,往往抢救成功率低。

    Conclusion The severe patient with PE and severe gasping might hardly control the pulmonary infection with low rescue achievement ratio .

  6. 高原地区低能量He-Ne激光血管内照射治疗肺性脑病疗效观察

    Therapy of pulmonary encephalopathy with intravascular irradiation by low energy He-Ne laser at high altitude

  7. 肺性脑病患者血清CPK及LDH检测的临床意义

    Measurement of serum CPK and LDH in pulmonary encephalopathy and its clinical signifcance

  8. 目的探讨肺性脑病患者血清肌酸激酶(CPK)及乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)变化的临床意义。

    Objective To study the clinical signifcance of serum CPK and LDH in pulmonary encephalopathy .

  9. 无创BiPAP通气治疗中度肺性脑病疗效分析

    Effect of BiPAP noninvasive ventilation on the patients with moderate pulmonary cerebral disease

  10. 目的:观察常规治疗的同时加用纳络酮(Naloxone,NLX)治疗慢性Ⅱ型呼吸衰竭肺性脑病的疗效。

    Objective : To observe the effects of Naloxone ( NLX ) and Nikethamide on chronic respiratory failure with pulmonary encephalopathy .

  11. 目的探讨脑脊液(CSF)酸碱失衡与肺性脑病的关系及肺心病呼吸衰竭时CSF的酸碱调节机制。

    Objective To study the relationship between acid-base imbalance of arterial blood and cerebrospinal fluid ( CSF ) and the role of CSF acid-base imbalance in pulmonary encephalopathy in chronic cor pulmonale .

  12. 应用纳络酮治疗肺性脑病50例临床研究

    A clinical study of naloxone in treating 50 cases pulmonary encephalopathy

  13. 纳络酮在肺性脑病中的疗效观察

    The Naloxone in the Lung Brain Disease of Curative Effect Observation

  14. 46例肺性脑病早期患者的临床观察及护理

    Clinical Observation and Nursing Care with Pulmonary Encephalopathy in Early Phase

  15. 通腑化瘀法治疗轻型肺性脑病31例

    31 Cases of Mild Pulmonary Encephalopathy with Purgation and Eliminating Stasis

  16. 肝素与氨茶碱等联合应用治疗肺性脑病疗效观察

    Clinical study of heparin combination with aminophylline in treating pulmonary cerebrosis

  17. 高频喷射通气加纳洛酮治疗肺性脑病15例疗效观察

    HFJV with naloxone in treating 15 cases of pulmonary encephalopathy

  18. 纳洛酮佐治肺性脑病的疗效观察

    The Efficacy of Naloxone in Patients with Pulmono - encephalopathy

  19. 无创正压通气治疗老年性早期肺性脑病疗效分析

    Noninvasive mechanical ventilation for early pulmonary encephalopathy in the elderly

  20. 死亡19例(18.6%),死亡之原因以肺性脑病居首位(10例)。

    Of 19 death patients , 10 have died of pulmonary encephalopathy .

  21. 可拉明与氨茶碱合用治疗肺性脑病的疗效观察

    Clinical Observation of Coramine Combined with Aminophylline in the Treatment of Pulmonaryencephalopathy

  22. 呼吸兴奋剂加营养支持治疗肺性脑病疗效观察

    The Efficacy of treating Lung-brain syndrome with respiratory stimulant plus nutritional supporting therapy

  23. 据此肺性脑病时,低氧血症并不直接参与肺脑的发生。

    It was considerd that hypoxia played no direct role in pulmonary encephalopathy .

  24. 肺性脑病时血清氨基酸比值的改变

    Change of serum amino acids ratio in pulmonary encephalopathy

  25. 安宫牛黄丸治疗肺性脑病的系统评价

    Systematic investigation of Angong Niuhuang Wan against pulmonary encephalopathy

  26. 肺性脑病临床病症与血气分析相关研究

    Correlation Study on Clinical Manifestation of Pulmonary Cerebral Disease and Blood Gas Analysis

  27. 中药直肠滴注急救肺性脑病23例观察

    Observation on 23 Cases of Pulmonary Encephalopathy Treated by Enema with Chinese Herbs

  28. 目的:寻求高原地区肺性脑病救治的更有效方法;

    To explore a effective way to treat pulmonary encephalopathy at high altitude .

  29. 无创正压通气在肺性脑病的治疗价值及其局限性

    Clinical values and limitations of using BIPAP ventilation in the treatment of pulmono-encephalopathy

  30. 纳洛酮治疗肺性脑病50例疗效分析

    Naloxone for 50 cases of pulmonary encephalopathy