
fèi xū
  • Lung deficiency;deficiency syndrome of the lung
肺虚[fèi xū]
  1. 肺虚痰阻大鼠肺组织核因子-κB和环氧合酶-2mRNA的表达

    Expression of NF - κ B and COX-2 mRNA in rats with phlegm obstruction due to lung-deficiency

  2. 肺虚痰阻大鼠巨噬细胞功能和黏附分子CD11b的表达研究

    The Function of Macrophage and Expression of CD11b on Rats of Asthenic Lung and Phlegm Blocking

  3. 益气脱敏法对肺虚感寒型变应性鼻炎临床疗效及血清IL-4的影响

    The Influence on Clinical Effects and Serum IL-4-with the Therapy of Benefiting Qi Against Allergy for Allergic Rhinitis of Lung-Deficiency Related Cold Type

  4. 针灸治疗肺虚风寒型过敏性鼻炎临床研究

    Clinical observation on acupuncture and moxibustion treatment with allergic rhinitis

  5. 壮医药线点灸疗法治疗肺虚哮喘临床效果观察

    Therapeutic effect of Zhuang medicine medicated thread moxibustion on asthma of lung deficiency type

  6. 并与中医辨证分型有内在联系,肺虚型及肺脾两虚型降低幅度不如肺肾两虚型显著。

    SOD-1 level was more lowered in type of lung-kidney deficiency than in lung deficiency and of both lung-spleen deficiency .

  7. 结论:壮医药线点灸对肺虚哮喘有较好疗效,且安全方便。

    Conclusion Zhuang medicine medicated thread moxibustion has a better therapeutic effect on asthma of lung deficiency type , with safety .

  8. 该型变应性鼻炎中医辨证为肺虚感寒型,应以温肺祛寒为主要法则。

    This rhinitis is termed as lung-deficiency-related cold type and treated mainly with the methods of warming the lung and eliminating cold .

  9. 游客们说,他们以前从未注意到那儿海边空气的气味如此强烈,此后一连好多年,那里总是挤满了肺虚或者患有肺疾的人。

    Visitors said they had never noticed before how strong the air was , and weak-chested and consumptive people used to throng there for years afterwards .

  10. 并且对肺虚咳嗽、脾虚泄泻、肾虚遗精、带下及小便频繁等症,都有一定的疗补作用。

    And the Feixu cough , diarrhea spleen deficiency , kidney deficiency Yijing , Daixia Dengzheng and frequent urination , the spa fill a certain role .

  11. 在试验造模后,脾脏虚弱,从而造成了肺虚:体瘦毛焦,肺部淤血、出血、渗出,这就是中医上所说的“母病及子”;

    Spleen deficiency can cause lung deficiency , such as thin body and fluffy hair , blood clot , hemorrhage and exudation in the lung , it is the called " disorder of mother-organ involving its child-organ " .

  12. 方法:72例肺虚哮喘患者随机分为壮医药线点灸组和针灸对照组,均每天施灸1~2次,共21天。

    Methods Seventy-two asthma of lung deficiency type were randomly divided into Zhuang medicine medicated thread moxibustion group and an acupuncture-moxibustion control group . They were treated by moxibustion 1 ~ 2 times each day , for 21 days .

  13. 肺肾气虚型以虚类脉为主,并有数的趋势,脉图参数左、右寸均为h1、t降低;

    Mainly weak pulse , with some tendency to become rapid pulse in Group 3 , and their pulse figure parameters show that h_1 and t of both left and right Cun is lower .

  14. 可见,本虚为COPD主要表现,急性发作期挟实,以本虚标实为主,究其本,多为肺胃虚损,并传变及其它脏腑。

    Clearly , the virtual COPD mainly for the performance of acute stage is relying on to the virtual subscript is mainly that of the present , to do more to lung and stomach wasting , and other viscera and-change .

  15. 肺脾气虚组血β2M高于正常组(P<0.05),尿β2M的升高无统计学意义。

    The content of serum β _2-m was higher in deficiency of lung-qi and spleen-qi than that in control group ( P < 0.05 ), while the increased level of urine β _2-m was not statistically significant .

  16. 慢性持续期肺脾气虚型、气阴两虚型、肝肾阴虚型、脾肾阳虚型四组,组间比较肌酐、GFR水平,无统计学差异(P0.05)。

    There was no statistical significance among Qi deficiency of lung and spleen , Qi and Yin deficiency , Yin deficiency of liver and kidney , Yang deficiency of spleen and kidney in serum creatinine and eGFR ( P0.05 ) .

  17. 锌与小儿肺脾气虚型反复呼吸道感染关系探讨

    Relationship Between Zinc and Infantile Repeated Respiratory Infection of Deficiency of Lung-Spleen Qi

  18. 肺肾气虚型慢性阻塞性肺气肿患者肺功能检测情况分析

    The Analysis of Respiratory Function Test Results of Chronic Obstructive Pneumonia Disease Patients of Lung And Kidney Qi Deficiency

  19. 病程短者以肺脾气虚者多,病程长者以脾肾气虚为主。

    Short duration are more in the lung Qi Deficiency , Spleen and Kidney Qi deficiency disease mainly in elderly .

  20. 方法:本研究将确诊为慢性喘息型支气管炎迁延期并且符合中医辨证为肺肾阴虚的116例患者,随机分为治疗组、对照组1和对照组2。

    Methods : 116 patients were divided in three groups : treat group 、 control group one . and control group two .

  21. 目的:1.观察观音合剂治疗小儿厌食症(肺脾气虚型)的临床疗效。

    Objective : 1 . To observe the clinical effect of Guanyin mixture on Infantile Anorexia ( lung and spleen deficiency syndrome ) . 2 .

  22. 目的阐明微量元素锌的多种生理功能及其与肺脾气虚型反复呼吸道感染发病的关系。

    Objective The physiological multi-function of zinc-one of trace elements and the relationship between zinc and infantile repeated respiratory infection of type of deficiency of lung-spleen qi were clarified .

  23. 肺脾气虚挟痰型复感儿100例人发微量元素分析

    Recurrent Infection in Respiratory System of Children and Trace Elements in Hair : a Analysis of 100 Cases of Symptoms both Lung 's and Spleen 's " Qixu " with Phlegm

  24. 我们认为,小儿哮喘是由肺脾气虚,痰瘀伏肺所致。

    We considered that the infantile asthma is caused by the Deficiency of the vital energy in the lung and spleen , stagnation of the sputum and blood on the lung .

  25. 肺肾阴虚型与肺脾气虚型、痰浊凝滞型声学参数比较(P<0.01),有极显著性差异。

    The comparison of acoustic parameters among Yin deficiency of Lung and Kidney , Coagulation of phlegm and turbid and Qi deficiency of Lung and Spleen are obviously different ( P < 0.01 ) .

  26. 肝胃郁热型患者的最长反流时间比肺脾肾亏虚型患者长(P<0.05)。

    Transhepatic the Heat of the longest reflux time in patients with lung spleen and kidney deficiency type patients than the length ( P0.05 ) .

  27. 目的:观察玉屏风膏按摩治疗小儿肺脾两虚型反复呼吸道感染(RecurrentRespiratoryTractInfection,RRTI)的疗效并探讨其作用机理。

    Purpose : To observe the therapeutic effect of infantile syndrome of Recurrent Respiratory Tract Infection ( RRTI ) of Deficiency of Both Lung and Spleen Qi treated by Tuina with ointment of Yupingfeng .

  28. 补肾固表方能明显提高肺肾两虚小鼠的血清IL-2(P<0.05),玉屏风散和核酪口服液则对其无明显作用(P均>0.05)。

    Could obviously enhance serum IL-2 ( P < 0.05 ) in the mouse with deficiency of the lung and kidney , but ? and ? did not have obvious function on it ( P > 0.05 ) .

  29. 肝胃不和、肝胃郁热、痰气交阻、肺脾肾亏虚比痰湿蕴肺型患者的P3高(P<0.05)。

    Disharmony of liver and , transhepatic Yu heat , phlegm obstructing gas exchange , lung spleen and kidney deficiency type than the phlegm retention in the lung of patients with high P3 ( P0.05 ) .

  30. 临床分肺气上逆、肺气郁滞、肺气不足、肺阴亏虚四型,用药肯綮,辨证准确,清虚灵活。

    Stasis of lung-qi ; insufficiency of Lung-qi ; deficiency of Lung-yin .