
  • 网络Bacterial Disease
  1. 结核病是一种目标通常为肺的细菌性疾病。

    Tuberculosis is a bacterial disease that usually targets the lungs .

  2. 细菌性疾病是大黄鱼养殖中发病率最高、危害最为严重的疾病。

    Bacterial disease is the most serious diseases in farming .

  3. 由拟态弧菌(Vibriomimicus)引起的腹水病是水产动物常见的、危害严重的细菌性疾病之一。

    Ascitic fluid disease of aquatic animals is one of common and serious bacterial diseases , which is caused by Vibrio mimicus .

  4. 结论:本研究表明HMME–PDT可有效杀灭生物膜中的变形链球菌,为治疗口腔细菌性疾病提供了一种有效途径。

    It was demonstrated that HMME-mediated PDT was efficient at killing S.mutans of biofilms and a useful approach in the treatment of dental plaque-related diseases .

  5. 副猪嗜血杆菌(Haemophilusparasuis,HPS)引起猪的多发性浆膜炎、关节炎和脑膜炎,随着世界养猪业的发展,该病已成为全球范围内影响养猪业的一种重要细菌性疾病。

    Haemophilus parasuis is the causative agent of swine polyserositis , polyarthritis and meningitis . As the development of the world pig industry , the disease has become one of the most important bacterial diseases of pigs worldwide .

  6. 诺氟沙星在鱼类细菌性疾病中的应用研究

    Application of Norfloxacin in treatment of bacterial diseases in fishes

  7. 临床用于治疗眼部细菌性疾病,总有效率为95.2%。

    The total effective rate of ocular bacteria-infected diseases was 95.2 % .

  8. 布鲁里溃疡是一种破坏人体肌肉组织的细菌性疾病。

    Buruli ulcer is a bacterial disease that eats away muscle tissue .

  9. 福建省养殖鳗鲡细菌性疾病的调查与防治

    Investigation and control for the bacterial diseases of Cultured eels in Fujian Province

  10. 自八月份以来,50多人死于这类细菌性疾病。

    More than 50 people have died from the bacterial disease since August .

  11. 海水养殖鱼类细菌性疾病研究概况

    A review of principal bacterial diseases of mariculture fish

  12. 中华绒螯蟹细菌性疾病感染途径的研究

    The Study of the Infecting Routine of Pathogenic Bacteria for River Crab Eriocheir sinensis

  13. 三联疫苗对大黄鱼常见细菌性疾病免疫保护的实验研究

    Experimental Study on Immune Protection of Trivalent Vaccine to Common Bacterial Diseases of Pseudosciaena crocea

  14. 百日咳是一种在世界各地的儿童中常见的细菌性疾病。

    Whooping Cough ( pertussis ) is a bacterial disease common in children throughout the world .

  15. 因此,免疫成为防治鱼类细菌性疾病的安全有效方法。

    Therefore , immunization has become the most important method in preventing and curing fish diseases .

  16. 海水鱼类细菌性疾病病原及其检测、疫苗研究概况

    A review of the pathogenic bacteria , diagnosis and vaccine of principal bacterial diseases of mariculture fish

  17. 利福平是一种用来治疗肺结核的重要抗生素,对其它细菌性疾病也有效。

    Rifampicin is an important antibiotic used to treat tuberculosis ( TB ), as well as other mycobacterial diseases .

  18. 鳗鲡肠道蛭弧菌的分离及其在预防水产养殖细菌性疾病的应用研究

    Isolation of Bdellovibrio Bacteria from the Gut of Eel and the Study of Its Prevention of Bacterial Diseases in Aquaculture

  19. 期望替代用于预防肠道细菌性疾病的抗生素,从而减少抗生素滥用的情况。

    Expect alternative used to prevent intestinal bacterial disease of antibiotic , so as to reduce the abuse of antibiotics .

  20. 麻风病又叫作汉森病,是一种细菌性疾病,导致皮肤受损,神经损坏。

    Leprosy -- also called Hansen 's disease -- is a bacterial disease that causes skin wounds and nerve damage .

  21. 这种疾病是通过奶传染给人类的细菌性疾病,导致持续发烧,关节痛和剧烈的头痛。

    Brucellosis is a bacterial disease passed to humans from milk , causing recurring fever , joint pain and severe headaches .

  22. 然而,随着养殖密度的增加,水体环境的恶化,各种细菌性疾病、寄生虫病、病毒性疾病时有发生。

    However , as stocking density increases and environment deterioration , a variety of bacterial , parasitic and viral diseases have occurred .

  23. 鸡白痢是由鸡白痢沙门氏菌引起,主要危害鸡和火鸡,水平兼垂直传播的细菌性疾病。

    Pullorum is a bacterial disease caused by Salmonella pullorum through both horizontal and vertical transmission , mainly affecting chickens and turkeys .

  24. 与日本鳗鲡相比,欧洲鳗鲡食欲不旺盛,易患细菌性疾病和寄生虫病。

    Compared with Japanese eel , European eel has a poorer appetite for food and is susceptible to both bacterial and parasitical diseases .

  25. 2分析表明网箱养殖大黄鱼的主要疾病为细菌性疾病,占总发病率的88.9%。

    The result showed that the main disease in cage-cultured Pseudosciaena crocea was bacterial disease which constitutes 88.9 % percent of total incidence .

  26. 近年来由于各种耐药菌株的出现,新抗生素的研制困难重重,研究噬菌体用于治疗细菌性疾病又重新受到重视。

    Recently researchers reopened the field of phage therapy due to the emergence of antibiotics-resistant bacterial strains and the difficulties in discovering new antibiotics .

  27. 于1998~1999年对中华绒螯蟹主要细菌性疾病腹水病、抖抖病并发病病原进行研究。

    Hydroperitoneum disease ' and ' trembling disease ' are 2 kinds of bacteria diseases mainly happening in Chinese mitten crab Eriocheir sinensis from juvenile to adult .

  28. 此外,那些感染艾滋病病毒的患者,接受过抗癌治疗或移植过器官的患者,他们的免疫受到抑制,使得对于他们的细菌性疾病的治疗变得更为复杂。

    In addition , the treatment of infectious diseases is more complicated in immuno-suppressed patients , such as those infected with the HIV , undergoing anticancer therapy or transplants .

  29. 副猪嗜血杆菌能够引起猪的多发性浆膜炎,关节炎和脑膜炎,已成为引起猪细菌性疾病最重要病原之一。

    Haemophilus parasuis ( H. parasuis ), the causative agent of swine polyserositis , polyarthritis , and meningitis , is one of the most important bacterial diseases of pigs worldwide .

  30. 我们选取了烂鳍病、白便病和腹水病这三种在2002~2003年最为常见的养殖大菱鲆细菌性疾病进行病原学的研究。

    Fin rot , white feces and ascites syndromes were the common diseases in the years from 2002 to 2003 , thus the aetiological study for these bacterial diseases had been emphasized .