- record event;chronicles;record

[chronicles;record] 记载事实
Reformation Spread Colourful Path ─ Record Event of Reform and Open and Development of Guangxi Geologic Printworks
As a result this thesis according to appreciate the evaluation mindset and the operation principles of the teaching , speculation growth record the bag , the literature classroom record event , test method etc. several kind valuation method .
Before the Chronicle I used to take the Guardian .
I was a sub-editor on the foreign desk of the News Chronicle .
The original drafts were mainly chronicles and compilations of regulations .
Today 's front page and sports front of the @ HoustonChron
Geografiska Annaler , Series B : Human Geography .
In 1978 , an unnamed man contacted the Jewish Chronicle saying that the boy was his son .
The star ledger in Newark , after cutting almost half of its staff , recently reassigned two journalists to the post room .
the Chicago Tribune and Houston Chronicle even relied on computer algorithms and a corps of writers in the Philippines .
This book , titled " Selfish , " has been heralded as " riveting " by Laura Bennett at Slate ;
It told the Jewish Chronicle that it did the same with Jewish staff who did not want to handle pork or seafood .
And according to the Chronicle of Philanthropy , only 38 percent of the $ 1.4 billion in contributions from U.S. donors has been spent .
Mr. Thomas , now business editor of The San Francisco Chronicle , said the goal of Valleywag was to improve the tech community .
It is softer and tends to lose its texture when cooked too long , a point she made in a recent column on canning she wrote for The San Francisco Chronicle .
The Forestry Chronicle ( text in English and French ), first published in1925 , is the official Journal of the Canadian Institute of Forestry ( CIF ) .
Stacy Palmer , the Chronicle 's editor , said the rise in large gifts was a sign of the improvement in the economy and the stock market .
At Research in Motion , now Blackberry ( BBRY ) , employees in Halifax complained last year that the company 's layoffs were inhumane , according to the Chronicle Herald in Canada . But many workers don 't speak out .
Whole Story on the Sinking of Russian K-219 Nuclear Submarine
According to a statement from the chronicle , Bradford already has plans to work closely with its parent company , Hearst Corp. , to develop a content relationship between it and pinterest .
The register-guard , however , did not provide a link to the site , and added links to slate and other media outlets ' stories only at the bottom of the article , almost as an afterthought .
Three weeks after the energy company filed for bankruptcy , but before the extent of the saga of its corruption and self-dealing became clear , Jeff Skilling , former chief executive , talked to the Houston Chronicle .
We read a historical account of Benjamin Franklin 's life .
Chronicle of the Second Annual Meeting of the Piano Art Committee
The study is published in the journal Annals of Epidemiology .
Newspapers like the San Francisco Chronicle were chronicling their own doom .
the Connecticut Record , and the New York Times .
The Connecting Link of Chinese Literature Recording Facts of the Past Dynasties
The work is in the Annals of Biomedical Engineering .
In some ways , this is a chronicle of a crisis foretold .