
jì shì
  • record event;chronicles;record
纪事 [jì shì]
  • [chronicles;record] 记载事实

  • 《西行纪事》

纪事[jì shì]
  1. 改革铺就五彩路&广西地质印刷厂改革开放发展纪事

    Reformation Spread Colourful Path ─ Record Event of Reform and Open and Development of Guangxi Geologic Printworks

  2. 因而本论文根据鉴赏教学的评价取向和操作理念,构想了成长记录袋、文学课堂纪事、测验法等几种评估方法。

    As a result this thesis according to appreciate the evaluation mindset and the operation principles of the teaching , speculation growth record the bag , the literature classroom record event , test method etc. several kind valuation method .

  3. 在订阅《纪事报》以前,我看的是《卫报》。

    Before the Chronicle I used to take the Guardian .

  4. 我是《新闻纪事报》国际组的一名助理编辑。

    I was a sub-editor on the foreign desk of the News Chronicle .

  5. 初撰本主要以纪事本末体和典志体为主

    The original drafts were mainly chronicles and compilations of regulations .

  6. 休斯顿纪事报和SPORTS的封面。

    Today 's front page and sports front of the @ HoustonChron

  7. 地理学纪事,B辑:人文地理。

    Geografiska Annaler , Series B : Human Geography .

  8. 1978年,一位不知名的男士联系犹太纪事报(JewishChronicle)也说小男孩是他的孩子。

    In 1978 , an unnamed man contacted the Jewish Chronicle saying that the boy was his son .

  9. 在裁掉几乎一半员工后,纽瓦克的《明星纪事报》(starledger)最近又招了两名记者。

    The star ledger in Newark , after cutting almost half of its staff , recently reassigned two journalists to the post room .

  10. 有一段时间,《芝加哥先驱报》(ChicagoTribune)和《休斯顿纪事报》(HoustonChronicle)甚至依赖电脑算法和一帮菲律宾写手。

    the Chicago Tribune and Houston Chronicle even relied on computer algorithms and a corps of writers in the Philippines .

  11. 那本影集名为《自私》(Selfish)。《纪事》杂志(Slate)的劳拉·贝内特(LauraBennett)在新书预告中称赞它“引人入胜”。

    This book , titled " Selfish , " has been heralded as " riveting " by Laura Bennett at Slate ;

  12. 马莎告诉《犹太纪事报》(JewishChronicle),对于不想经手猪肉或海产品的犹太雇员,公司采取了同样的做法。

    It told the Jewish Chronicle that it did the same with Jewish staff who did not want to handle pork or seafood .

  13. 根据《慈善纪事报》(ChronicleofPhilanthropy)记录,美国捐赠者捐助的14亿美元的慈善款项只有38%花费在重建方面。

    And according to the Chronicle of Philanthropy , only 38 percent of the $ 1.4 billion in contributions from U.S. donors has been spent .

  14. 托马斯如今在《旧金山纪事报》(TheSanFranciscoChronicle)担任经济版编辑,他说Valleywag的目标就是令科技社区得到改进。

    Mr. Thomas , now business editor of The San Francisco Chronicle , said the goal of Valleywag was to improve the tech community .

  15. 食材变得更柔软,如果烹饪时间过长,就会损失质感,最近她在为《旧金山纪事报》(TheSanFranciscoChronicle)撰写的关于罐装保存食品的专栏里提到这一点。

    It is softer and tends to lose its texture when cooked too long , a point she made in a recent column on canning she wrote for The San Francisco Chronicle .

  16. 《林业纪事》创刊于1925年,是加拿大林学院(CIF)的正式出版物。

    The Forestry Chronicle ( text in English and French ), first published in1925 , is the official Journal of the Canadian Institute of Forestry ( CIF ) .

  17. 《慈善纪事报》编辑斯泰西•帕尔默(StacyPalmer)表示,大额捐款笔数的增加表明经济和股市均出现好转。

    Stacy Palmer , the Chronicle 's editor , said the rise in large gifts was a sign of the improvement in the economy and the stock market .

  18. 据加拿大媒体《纪事先驱报》(ChronicleHerald)报道,在RIM(ResearchinMotion),即现在的黑莓(Blackberry),哈利法克斯的员工抱怨去年公司的裁员行动惨无人道,但很多人都敢怒不敢言。

    At Research in Motion , now Blackberry ( BBRY ) , employees in Halifax complained last year that the company 's layoffs were inhumane , according to the Chronicle Herald in Canada . But many workers don 't speak out .

  19. 大洋悲歌俄罗斯K-219号核潜艇沉没纪事

    Whole Story on the Sinking of Russian K-219 Nuclear Submarine

  20. 《旧金山纪事报》发表声明称,布拉德福德计划与母公司赫斯特国际集团(HearstCorp)密切合作,以建立其与Pinterest的内容合作关系。

    According to a statement from the chronicle , Bradford already has plans to work closely with its parent company , Hearst Corp. , to develop a content relationship between it and pinterest .

  21. 然而,《尤金纪事卫报》自己并没有提供艾莫斯网站的链接,只是在文章末尾添上了《Slate》杂志和其他媒体相关报道的链接,而且这些也差不多是后来才加上去的东西。

    The register-guard , however , did not provide a link to the site , and added links to slate and other media outlets ' stories only at the bottom of the article , almost as an afterthought .

  22. 这家能源公司申请破产三周之后(但在其腐败和谋私交易的各项细节浮出水面之前),前首席执行官杰夫•斯基林(JeffSkilling)接受了《休斯顿纪事报》(HoustonChronicle)的采访。

    Three weeks after the energy company filed for bankruptcy , but before the extent of the saga of its corruption and self-dealing became clear , Jeff Skilling , former chief executive , talked to the Houston Chronicle .

  23. 我们读过一篇叙述本杰明·富兰克林生平的真实纪事。

    We read a historical account of Benjamin Franklin 's life .

  24. 第二届全国高校音乐教育专业钢琴教学研讨会&暨钢琴学术委员会第二届年会纪事

    Chronicle of the Second Annual Meeting of the Piano Art Committee

  25. 该研究发表在《流行病学纪事》杂志上。

    The study is published in the journal Annals of Epidemiology .

  26. 新闻报纸比如旧金山纪事报当时就在把自己的厄运编档入案。

    Newspapers like the San Francisco Chronicle were chronicling their own doom .

  27. 《康涅锹格州纪事》、《纽约时报》.

    the Connecticut Record , and the New York Times .

  28. 中国历代文学纪事的承传

    The Connecting Link of Chinese Literature Recording Facts of the Past Dynasties

  29. 这项研究发表在《生物医学工程纪事上》。

    The work is in the Annals of Biomedical Engineering .

  30. 在许多方面,这是一部预言危机纪事。

    In some ways , this is a chronicle of a crisis foretold .