
  • 网络rum;Cachaca;cachaça;Cane spirits
  1. 我拿了一大杯甘蔗酒,让他喝下去。

    I went and fetched a good dram of rum , and gave him .

  2. 我又在大舱里找到了一些甘蔗酒,就喝了一大杯。此时此刻,我极需喝点酒提提神。

    I also found some rum in the great cabin , of which I took a large dram , and which I had indeed need enough of to spirit me for what was before me .

  3. 但是在某张摆满了大量甘蔗酒的咖啡桌上,他总要纠正巴西的种种过失。这里他书写着自己的“会饮篇”。在这里,通过吞云吐雾与饮酒辩论来追求理想。

    But he always needed to set Brazil to rights over copious cachaeas at some caf é table : his own " Symposium , " where ideals would be pursued through smoke , alcohol and argument .

  4. 不料又找到了一大桶面包,三桶甘蔗酒,一箱砂糖和一桶上等面粉。

    I say , after all this , I found a great hogshead of bread and three large runlets of rum or spirits , and a box of sugar , and a barrel of fine flower ;