
  • 网络herse convolvuli;agrius convolvuli;Herse convolvuli LJnne
  1. 甘薯天蛾过冷却点变化与生化成分的关系

    Relationship between the supercooling point and the biochemical componens of Agrius convolvuli

  2. 甘薯天蛾的寄生性天敌及其自然控制作用

    Prospect on the Parasitical Enemies and Its Natural Control Effect of Agrius convolvuli

  3. 甘薯天蛾虫蛹蛋白水解特性及其氨基酸营养液的制作工艺研究

    Studies on the Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Sweet Potato Sphinx Pupa Protein and the Processing Technique of Amino Acids Nutrition Liquid

  4. 采用高效低毒农药、点灯诱杀、保护利用天敌等措施综合防治甘薯天蛾,有较好的防治效果。

    The better control effects could be obtained by the integrated control measures such as the highly effective and low toxic pesticide , destroying by trap lamp , and protection and utilization of natural enemies .