
  • 网络cat feces
  1. 据美联社报道,女性如果感染了由猫屎传播的一种寄生虫,尝试自杀的几率会更高。

    Women infected with a parasite spread by cat feces run a higher risk of attempting suicide , AFP reported .

  2. 当时猫屎咖啡售价每磅100到600美元--但是却比现在这款黑象牙咖啡便宜一些。

    At the time , kopi luwak went for $ 100-600 a pound - cheap compared to Black Ivory Coffee .

  3. 这些排泄物被清理后,以猫屎咖啡的名字出售,每磅可以卖好几百美元。

    The droppings are washed and the beans , sold as Kopi Luwak , can cost hundreds of dollars per pound .

  4. 谁去清除卧室里的猫屎?

    The home of dung beetle is under the ground Who will clean up the cat 's mess in the bedroom ?

  5. 果子狸咖啡(俗称猫屎咖啡)每磅售价几百美元,也是产自东南亚果子狸的粪便。

    Civet coffee , priced at several hundred dollars per pound , is harvested from the civet cats ' of Southeast Asia 's excrement .

  6. 世界各地的人不只吃麝猫的肉,还取它的麝香用来稳定香水&这是动物权益组织所反对的,并且用来生产猫屎咖啡,也称麝猫咖啡。

    Civets are used around the world not only for their meat but for a musk used to stabilise perfume-which animal rights groups object to-and to produce kopi luwak , also known as civet coffee .

  7. 2010年,人们还在传“猫屎咖啡”可能是全世界最贵的咖啡:东南亚一种狸猫将咖啡豆吃下去排泄出来,然后就变成了这种昂贵的奢侈品。

    In 2010 , word spread about what was then thought to be the most expensive coffee in the world : kopi luwak , a Southeast Asian brew made from coffee berries passed through the digestive tract of an Asian palm civet .