
  • 网络Cat Food;royal canin
  1. (我用开罐器打开了一罐猫粮。)

    I opened a can of cat food with a can opener .

  2. 这只獾不慌不忙,它被猫粮的气味所吸引,又回来了。

    Seemingly unfazed – and lured2 by the smell of cat food – the badger came back .

  3. 但它最好注意点,猫粮美餐正开始放慢它快速逃跑的速度。

    But he better watch out – the cat food is starting to slow down his quick getaway .

  4. 猫粮,能量饮料,3g网络…在过去的十年里阿富汗人已经熟知的所有产品不可能在美军撤离的时候也会随即消失。

    Cat food , energy drinks , 3G Internet ... all products Afghans have been exposed to the last decade are not likely to go away when the troops leave .

  5. 在饲喂到90d时,鸡肝组幼猫股骨长度极显著低于猫粮组(P<0.01)。

    The length of femur was decreased in chicken liver group on 90 days .

  6. 尽管她还这么小,她却喜欢从狗粮中找大块的食物,却不吃她自己的猫粮。Venus的主人在她Facebook主页上写道。

    As tiny as she is she likes to pick the giant pieces of food from the dog food bowl rather than eat her cat food , the owner writes on Venus Facebook page .

  7. 作为新品种猫粮发布战略的一部分,这家英国宠物食品制造商去年引入了伦敦口碑营销专业公司wildfire设计的战略。

    As part of its launch strategy for a new variety of catfood , UK petfood maker masterfoods last year adopted a strategy designed by the London-based word-of-mouth specialists wildfire .

  8. 恩佐很喜欢吃猫粮,不过Jamison先生说,每次恩佐这家伙都会站在与它身形完全不相匹配的餐桌上狼吞虎咽。

    Enzo loves cat food , according to Mr Jamison but insists on gobbling it atop the kitchen table , which he really is too big for .

  9. 新买的猫粮,我觉得它应该会喜欢吃哪。

    Some new cat food . I thought he would enjoy it .

  10. 我想我要输掉一堆猫粮了。

    I think I 'm going to blow cat-chow chunks .

  11. 阿玉的薪水就是铁路公司发给她的“猫粮”。

    The company feeds her in lieu of salary .

  12. 口感很脆,闻起来有一点像猫粮。

    The texture is crunchy , but smelt a little of cat food .

  13. 收集折扣券常常让人想到是买猫粮的小老太太们做的事。

    Clipping coupons is often associated with little old ladies buying cat food .

  14. 我是一个混血儿。我既吃狗粮又吃猫粮!

    I 'm a hybrid * I run on dog food and cat food !

  15. 你桌上放的是猫粮吗?

    Is that cat food on your desk ?

  16. 猫已以猫粮为主食而不是抓老鼠为食。

    Cats now live on cat food rather than catching rats for their food .

  17. 丽丽:好的。我也顺便去采购点猫粮。

    Lili : Okay . I will be going to buy some food for my cat .

  18. 首当其冲的是房租,其次就是猫粮。

    The first is the house rent ! effectively as the second is the cat food .

  19. 每天喂两次猫粮,并确保它的水碗里总是加满水

    Give him dry food twice a day , And make sure his water bowl is always filled .

  20. 刺猬大部分时间吃虫子,但是我曾试着给它喂各种食物,发现它最爱吃的是猫粮。

    ' He eats meal worms mostly but I 've tried everything and his favourite is cat food . '

  21. 在大楼的顶部,动物检疫人员把猫粮放进陷阱,并抓住了浣熊。

    At the top of the building , animal control officers put cat food in traps and captured the raccoon .

  22. 于是,我和妈妈去超市买了一大袋海鱼味的猫粮送去给它。

    Thus , my mother and I went to the supermarket and bought her a big bag of fish-flavored cat food .

  23. 就像它们的主人已经猜到的那样,猫咪会通过猫洞溜到隔壁邻居家,偷袭食盆里的猫粮;

    Cats , as their owners already guessed , like to sneak through next-door 's cat-flap and raid the food bowl ;

  24. 而一些提供的乌克兰产品更家常,比如猫粮,肥皂,卫生棉条等。

    Some of the Ukrainian products on offer are of the more mundane kind , like cat food , soap , and tampons .

  25. 欧洲狗粮和猫粮的市场需求是一样的,而拉美市场狗粮的销量是猫粮的六倍。

    Whereas in Europe the dog-and cat-food markets are equal , in Latin America dog food outsells cat food by nearly six to one .

  26. 本研究介绍猫粮中水溶性维生素的分析,这种方法同样适用于分析多种来源的此类维生素。

    The following work describes the analysis of water-soluble vitamins in cat food but is applicable to analysis of these vitamins from many sources .

  27. 布拉德肖说,其实喵星人更喜欢罐头猫粮,所以它们回家时会把猎物埋在门边并记得这个位置。

    Bradshaw says that cats actually prefer canned cat food , so they ditch the prey by the door when they get home and remember this .

  28. 在欧洲,猫狗食品市场份额相等,但在拉美,狗粮的销售差不多是猫粮的六倍。

    Whereas in Europe the dog - and cat-food markets are equal , in Latin America dog food outsells cat food by nearly six to one .

  29. 后来,“玛莉·克里斯特”号被人拖回港口,并继续服役了12年,直到有人为了骗取保险金而在船上装满了廉价的靴子和猫粮,然后将她弄沉。

    She was taken in tow and sailed on for12 years until she was loaded with cheap boots and cat food and sunk in an insurance scam .

  30. 在它的竞选政见中,除了坚决反对绝育、大力支持猫粮降价以外,并没有非常鲜明的立场,尽管如此,它还是坚持竞选。

    His campaign platform was hazy apart from a steady anti-neutering stance and support for cheaper cat food , but this didn 't stop him from running .