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  • 网络Cat ears;Orecchiette
  1. 你可能会以为他们要呈现一首古典音乐,直到头上戴的猫耳朵出卖了他们。

    You may think they are about to perform a piece of classical music , until their cat ears give them away .

  2. “这些太美了,”22岁的大学生李静(音译)说,她戴着假猫耳朵与一只冰墙上的跳跳虎合影。

    " This is beautiful ," said Li Jing , 22 , a university student wearing fake cat ears who posed for a photo beneath a picture of Tigger on an ice wall .

  3. 日本电子公司Neurowear最近发明了一副“猫耳朵”,用以实时表达佩戴者的喜怒哀乐。

    Japanese electronics firm Neurowear has created a set of fluffy ears that apparently respond to the wearer 's emotions .

  4. 再胆大的老鼠也不敢在猫耳朵里做窝。

    It is a bold mouse that nestles in cat 's ear .

  5. 北美洲广泛引入的欧洲野草,有黄色的头状花序,叶子很像猫耳朵。

    European weed widely naturalized in North America having yellow flower heads and leaves resembling a cat 's ears .

  6. 山西面食用料多样,有小麦粉、高粱面、豆面、乔面等;品种繁多,有刀削面、猫耳朵、推窝窝等。面食融入了山西人对生活简单而丰富的理解。

    Take Shanxi Province as an example , the flour food is made of many kinds of material including wheat flour , sorghum flour and bean flour etc.

  7. 你听说过天津最出名的3种小吃吗?他们都有奇怪的名字,我只记得猫耳朵。无论如何,它们太好吃了。

    Have you heard of the3 most famous Tianjin snacks ? They all have weird names . I could only remember the Ear-Hole Fried Cakes . Anyway , they are really delicious .

  8. 深埋隧道围岩压力可按基于弹塑性理论的卡柯公式计算,浅埋隧道围岩压力属松动压力,分布呈猫耳朵形状;

    The surrounding rock pressure of deep soil tunnel can calculate by modified KAKE formula , the surrounding rock pressure of shallow soil tunnel belongs to flexible pressure and pressure figure seems cat ear ;

  9. 迄今为止,这种耳机的应用主要局限在数字界面领域——电子游戏以及情节可以随思维变动而改变的电影——有时候也使用了现实世界中的东西,比如一对像猫耳朵那样可以随人的情绪变化而翻动的耳朵。

    So far the headsets are confined to mostly digital interfaces videogames and movies whose plots can be altered with the mind-although in some cases real-world objects have been used , like a pair of catlike ears that move depending on a person 's mood .

  10. 它的外面有一个大招牌,展示了店里最美味的菜肴名字,从英文来看,有“在碗里”、“你面粉丝绸”、“牛肉猫耳朵”,以及名为“浇在我姥姥上的汁”的面汤。

    It has a large sign outside showing some of its tastiest dishes , with English translations : " In Bowl , " " You Flour Silk , " " Beef Cat 's Ear " and a noodle dish in broth known as " Sauce on My Grandma . "

  11. 我的猫的耳朵被狗咬破了。

    My cat had its ear ripped open by a dog .

  12. 猫的耳朵很大,以便尽可能多的接收声音。

    Cats have large ears to collect as much sound as possible .

  13. 猫的耳朵竖了起来。

    The cat 's ears stick up .

  14. 这只14岁名叫查理的猫猫被Southampton动物拯救中心的工作人员戏称为伏地猫,他的耳朵尖尖和鼻子被摘除了,防止流浪在外日晒多年引发的皮肤癌转移。

    The cat , Charlie , 14 , was dubbed Voldermog by staff at a Southampton rescue centre because his ear tips and nose were removed after sunburn caused skin cancer to develop .

  15. 医生:一只猫有几个耳朵和眼睛?

    Doctor : How many ears and eyes does a cat have ?

  16. 你就割掉猫的一只耳朵

    you could cut off one of the cat 's ears ,

  17. 猫的每只耳朵上有32块肌肉。

    A cat has 32 muscles in each ear .

  18. 哦,我差点忘了猫的秘密(智能意念猫耳朵),戴上以后猫耳朵和尾巴将受到脑电波的控制。

    Oh , and I had almost forgot the Necomimi , wearable cat ears and tail controlled by brainwaves .