
  • 网络emergence;emergent;emerging;emergent property
  1. 元系统跃迁与系统涌现性

    Metasystem Transition and Emergence Property of System Q & A on Sex

  2. 谈谈系统的层次性与涌现性

    Discuss about Hierarchy and Emergence of Systems

  3. 基于复杂性科学基本概念的MAS涌现性量化研究

    Emergence-Oriented Research on MAS with Quantifications Based on the Notions in Science of Complexity

  4. 从层次涌现性展望中西医结合后现代个体化医学

    Towards Integrative postmodern individualized medicine in terms of hierarchic emergence

  5. 应用涌现性原理研究方剂配伍规律

    Research on the composition of prescription with emergence principle

  6. 组织决策过程及其涌现性研究

    Research on Organizational Decision Making Process and Emergent Property

  7. 中医的处方用药最能体现系统思维的整体涌现性特性。

    The prescription of Chinese medicine can best embody the whole emergence of systems thinking characteristics .

  8. 从非线性、涌现性和不确定性判断的角度来说明外语教学是一个复杂系统;

    FTL is a complex system in terms of non-linearity , emergence , and uncertainty judgment ;

  9. 论系统思维(六):重在把握系统的整体涌现性

    On Systematic Thoughts ( 6 ): To Focus the Attention on the Emergent Properties of the Whole

  10. 群集运动系统属于复杂系统,具有非集中式控制性、自组织式涌现性以及部分能相互作用等特征。

    Flocking system is a complex system , which has the characteristics of noncentralized control , self-organization emergent and partially interactive properties .

  11. 感谢组织者。我的一部分研究兴趣是在设计软件充斥建筑学之前的所谓的“涌现性网络”的原型史。

    A part of my interest is the ( proto ) history of emergent network before the digital practice colonized our discipline .

  12. 系统思维反对笼统地谈论整体,认定具有涌现性的事物才是系统。

    The system thinking doesn 't approve talking about the wholeness generally , holds that the whole with emergent properties is a system only .

  13. 整体涌现性理论是系统科学的基本理论,运用整体涌现性理论对于沈阳工业遗产保护具有重要的指导意义。

    Management integration theory is a basic theory of systems science ; the theory has an important guiding significance for the protection of industrial heritages in Shenyang .

  14. 系统思维范式作为一种强调复杂性、综合性与涌现性的思维方式,对于社会系统发展这一复杂性问题的分析是极其必要的。

    The system paradigm as a way of thinking which stresses on complexity , comprehensive and emergence is extremely essential for the analyzing complexity problem of social system development .

  15. 哈肯从非线性科学角度出发,提出大脑是一种具有涌现性的复杂自组织巨系统,建立了大脑协同学的认知模型;

    Haken in indicating that the brain is a giant and complicated self-organizing system with characteristic emergence , established a cognitive model in relation to synergetic of the brain .

  16. 从而形成了两个阵营,即坚持将生物科学还原为物理科学分支的还原论阵营和强调生物体自主性、涌现性和整体性的整体论阵营。

    Thus forming two camps , one reductionism camps insists reduce the biological science into branch of physical science , the holism camp emphasize independence and emergent property and integrity .

  17. 该模型利用多智能体系统解决了自主性和整体涌现性问题,利用仿真技术解决了随机性问题。

    In the proposed model , MAS was employed to solve the problem of presenting autonomy and whole emergence , and the technique of simulation was employed to present randomicity .

  18. 笔者认为,互联网作为一种复杂适应系统,它所具有的涌现性,正是网络传播与传统线性传播的根本区别。

    The writer think that the Internet as a kind of complications system , what it have Emergence , is exactly the root differentiation that the network communication to traditional linear-communication .

  19. 以复杂系统论为理论基础,分析了重大工程决策过程的特征,包括多元思维集成、动态演化、涌现性和自相似性等。

    Based on complex system theory , the decision making process of momentous project with properties of integration of multiple meta-values of decision-making , dynamic evolvement , emergence , and self similarity was analyzed .

  20. 运用系统科学的功能原理、整体涌现性原理,本文提出了包含空间效用、时间效率及信息化对象的移动商务系统三维框架。

    Applying function principle and the whole emergence principle of the System Science , the article raises a three-dimensional framework for M-business system , which accommodates spatial utility , temporal efficiency and information objects .

  21. 因为任何一个系统所呈现的功能状态都不可能是某一构成要素作用的结果,它必须是组分间通过物质、能量、信息的交互作用所共同产生的系统整体涌现性。

    Functional status are presented by any system is the result of certain elements of the role , it must be material , energy , information interaction between the components co-produced the whole system emergent property .

  22. 创新活动常常表现出不确定性、涌现性等复杂系统的特征,从复杂性科学的角度对创新系统进行系统化深入研究具有重要的理论和现实意义,这也是当前研究中明显的不足之处。

    Uncertainty and emergency can often be found in innovation actions . Researching on innovation system from the point of complexity science is very importance in both theory and practice , however , is not done sufficiently .

  23. 系统思维要求将认识对象系统化,考察问题注重整体性,综合运用整体思维和分析思维,同时把握系统的内在规定性及外在规定性,并且始终重视系统的整体涌现性。

    Systems thinking will recognize the object systematic inspection problems holistic , integrated use of the overall thinking and analytical thinking , and grasp the internal regulations and external requirements , and has always attached importance to the system as a whole emerge .

  24. 中医的诊断学就是以把握人体系统整体涌现性为目标而建立的,通过望闻问切四诊所获得的信息都是有关人体整体涌现特性的信息。

    Chinese medicine diagnostics is to grasp the human system as a whole emerged as the goal established , the information obtained through the four clinics of the look and smell are the characteristics of information emerged about the body as a whole .

  25. 但是,作为复杂的适应性系统,商业生态系统不仅与自然生态系统不同,而且与集群、价值网络也有所不同,它具有自组织、涌现性、协同进化、适应性等基本特性。

    However , as a complex adaptive system , the business ecosystem not only differs from the natural ecosystem , but also differs from the cluster and the value network . Business ecosystem has four basic characteristics : self-organization , emergence , co-evolution and adaption .

  26. 任正非说,华为也就是一个宝马(大公司代名词),在瞬息万变,不断涌现颠覆性创新的信息社会中,华为能不能继续生存下来?

    ' Huawei is like BMW , in that we are also a big company . We live in an information society that is fast-changing with lots of disruptive innovations , ' Ren says . ' Can we continue to survive ?

  27. 绘画社团的大规模涌现及其历史性存在,是近代绘画史上极为重要甚至相当精彩的现象。

    The emergence and existence of numerous painting associations is a kind of important and remarkable phenomenon .

  28. 假如克拉克成功卖出雅典娜号,那新游艇时代涌现的标志性游艇中就只有一艘还留在原主人手中了。

    Assuming Clark sells Athena , there will be only one Vanderbilt of the new yachting age left at the helm .

  29. 在CAS理论视野中,学习型社会的构建应该遵循如下四个基本原则:主体性原则、整体涌现原则、活力性原则、标识性原则。

    In the sight of the theory of CAS , four principles should be followed : the principle of main body , the principle of whole emergence , the principle of activity , the principle of tagging .

  30. 然而,随着改革开放的深入和经济的迅速发展,各种新型侵占行为不断涌现,社会危害性也日益加重。

    But , with the deepening of reform and opening up policy and rapid economic development , new types of occupation acts of the continuous emergence , which social hazardous nature also aggravates day by day .