
  • 网络water yield;m d;inflow of water;water
  1. 最后应用时间序列分析频谱方法研究了31年来矿井涌水量对降雨量的响应关系,即全矿涌水量滞后于降雨6d。

    Finally , author deals with the response relationship between water yield in the mine and precipitation in past 31 years used frequency analysis of time series and reach a conclusion that the retardation time between water yield and precipitaion is 6 days .

  2. 涌水量与降深曲线类型的判别及求参程序

    Discrimination of water inflow-drawdown curves and establishment of parameter program

  3. 岩溶充水隧道涌水量系数的探讨

    Inquiry on coeficient of gushing water quantity of karst water tunnel

  4. 灰色控制与矿井最大涌水量计算

    Grey Control and the Calculation of Maximum Groundwater Discharge for Mining Wells

  5. 矿井涌水量中的混沌及其最大预报时间尺度

    Chaos in mine discharge and its maximum predictable time scale

  6. 黄土公路隧道涌水量估算

    Estimation on Outflow of Water for Loess Road Tunnel s

  7. 海底隧道涌水量影响因素的数值模拟研究

    Numerical simulation study on influence factors of the seepage volume of submarine tunnels

  8. 岩体透水性与隧道涌水量计算研究

    The Computation Research of Rock Permeability of Water and Tunnel Surge Water Amount

  9. 上海某越江隧道的最大涌水量预测

    Forecasting for the Largest Gushing Magnitude of Some Tunnel Crossing the River in Shanghai

  10. 山西省矿井涌水量影响因素分析

    Analysis for Influence Factors of Mine Pouring Quantity

  11. 灰色理论在预测深埋型矿井涌水量中的应用

    Application of grey theory model in prediction of pit water discharge in coal mine

  12. 提高钻孔涌水量是低渗透砂岩型铀矿床地浸开采的重要内容。

    Using new type material of strictress leakage stoppage for drill leaking of diamond drilling .

  13. 有限单元法在涌水量预测中的应用

    Water inrush prediction using finite element method

  14. 隧道涌水量计算探讨

    Discussion on outflow calculation in tunnel

  15. 深埋隧道涌水量数值计算中的试算流量法

    Trial method for simulating tunnel discharge

  16. 电法找水工作中,对井的涌水量进行预测一直是难题。

    How to forecast obtainable water quantity of well by using electric sounding method a difficult job all along .

  17. 对试验设置的关键点渗透压力和隧道涌水量数据进行了系统分析,并将试验结果与解析解进行了对比分析。

    The data of osmotic pressure and tunnel water inflow in the key points of the test were systematically analyzed .

  18. 铁路、公路隧道穿越复杂富水地层时,宜采用动态设计与信息化施工的方法,其中,最为重要的问题是涌水量的计算。

    Analysis on on-time supervising design and information construction effect for deep-base pit-digging in tunnel engineering of Fuxing Dong Road ;

  19. 进而采用该回归模型对其它供水井涌水量进行了预报,实际涌水量与预报值相比较,相对误差分别为7.0%、29.5%。

    Furthermore the same test is done for other wells , their relative differences are 7.0 % and 29.5 % respectively .

  20. 从涌水量和降水量的互相关分析得知,涌水量滞后降水量约0~1个月。

    By the mutual relation analysis between the discharge series and the precipitation series , the discharge is 0 ~ 1 month later than the precipitation .

  21. 左右侧导洞开挖时,涌水量逐渐增大,但隧道中间部分开挖后,涌水量有所降低;

    When both side headings were driven , the water inflow capacity increased gradually . After the middle portion was excavated , the water inflow capacity decreased .

  22. 深降比法预测稳态环境下矿坑最大涌水量产生大量辐射微尘的产生大量的长期放射性下降物的。

    Forecast of the Maximum Water Inflow in Mine Pits by Rise-Fall Ratio Method Under a Steady Environment Producing a very great amount of long-lived radioactive fallout .

  23. 采取的手段包括涌水量的预测,水害防治的方法,地下水污染的防治与再利用以及应用地理信息系统对地下水资源进行评价。

    The approaches adopted include effluent water prediction , water hazards prevention , wastewater treatment and reuse and groundwater resources assessment applying Geographic Information System ( GIS ) .

  24. 矿井涌水量是矿山建设和生产过程中单位时间内流入矿井包括各种巷道和开采系统的水量。

    Mine discharge is the inflow water of unit time flowing into mines including all wells and exploitation systems during the process of mine production and mine construction .

  25. 本文探讨了在这三种类型的含水层中稳定流完整单井涌水量计算公式的规律性。

    This paper discusses the laws concerning the formulae of hydraulic discharge of a single well of complete penetration with steady flow within the aquifer of such three types .

  26. 目前矿区总涌水量约为12600m3/d,随着探、采深度的不断增加,涌水量也不断加大,突水的危险性大大增加。

    Now , the total water yield is about 12600m3 / d. With the depth of exploitation increases , the water yield and the risk of water flush are increasing .

  27. 皖北祁东煤矿7130工作面回采期间水位、涌水量监测过程未发现异常情况,没有发布警情信息,该工作面实现了安全回采。

    In 7130 face , no abnormity was found in the monitored water level and water amount , and no alarm was released , the working face realized safety mining .

  28. 本文通过地下水动态过程曲线的均衡分析,以暗河排泄流量反求补给水量,并借河渠洪流估算理论预计矿井最大涌水量。

    On the basis of groundwater balance cure , this paper calculates groundwater recharge rate from underground river discharge and estimates maximum gushing water in mines from stream flood routing .

  29. 水位恢复曲线为缓慢上翘型的井中,部分含水层裂隙被松散物充填的井,采用特殊的酸处理方法处理后,井的单位涌水量可增加100%。

    While for the wells which recovery curves rise slowly , the yield increment is 100 % after specific acid treatment and the crannies of the aquifer are filled with loose substances .

  30. 矿井涌水量大小受两种因素的影响,一种是随着矿井开采空间的扩大而引起的涌水量数量的稳定增加;一种是受降水等补给条件的影响,是涌水量变化的随机因素。

    Water effusing quantity of mine influences of two factors : one is exploitation space of mine , the other is replenishment condition such as precipitation , which is a stochastic factor .