
liú lànɡ ɡǒu
  • stray dog
  1. 据称,这只流浪狗并没有重大疾病。

    The stray dog is said to suffer no major illnesses .

  2. 他在台湾工作时收养了一只流浪狗。

    He adopted a stray dog while he was working here in Taiwan .

  3. Joanne想要人们明白收容所的狗(流浪狗)同样需要关怀。

    Joanne wants people to know that shelter dogs need love , too .

  4. 夜晚流浪狗的嚎叫让她心烦意乱。

    She was upset hearing stray dogs howling in the dark .

  5. 好脾气的大象开始喜欢有流浪狗来陪伴。

    The good-natured elephant began to enjoy the dog 's company .

  6. 她会宰了你就像宰街上的流浪狗。

    She will kill you like a dog in the street .

  7. 秘鲁有好多流浪狗。

    There 's a lot of stray dogs in Peru .

  8. 每个人的生活都需要一点乐趣,流浪狗亦是如此。

    Everyone deserves a little fun in life , even stray dogs .

  9. 他并不想杀死流浪狗。

    He does not want to kill the stray dogs .

  10. 像只流浪狗般不断被人领养。

    I was just fostered out over and over like an unwanted dog .

  11. 结果是现在的英国有为数可观的流浪狗。

    The result is the huge number of stray dogs in Britain today .

  12. 她是被一条流浪狗袭击的。

    She was attacked by a stray dog !

  13. 在雅典,流浪狗一般是自由的,他们总是能够在城市的街道上自由的行走。

    In Athens , stray dogs are normally free to roam the city streets .

  14. 它肯定不是流浪狗

    Well , he 's certainly not a stray

  15. 流浪狗经过训练之后,一样能够胜任狗医生的职务。

    Trained stray dogs would prove equally competent for the task , said chen .

  16. 这些是饿极了的流浪狗。

    The dogs were strays that were starving .

  17. 自此,救护所收养了100多只索契流浪狗。

    Since then , the shelter has saved over 100 stray dogs in Sochi .

  18. 嘿,你有没有跟一只叫凯尔文的流浪狗一起在第14街闲逛过?

    Hey , you ever hang out down on14th Street with a stray named Kelvin ?

  19. 声音1:和很多国家一样,保加利亚也存在流浪狗问题。

    Voice 1 : Like many countries , Bulgaria has a problem with wild dogs .

  20. 我不要再收养一条流浪狗。

    I 'm not collecting another stray .

  21. 这里有流浪狗吗?

    Are there stray dogs around here ?

  22. 他们告诉大臣这头御象和一只流浪狗成为了好朋友。

    They told him how the royal elephant and the stray dog were best friends .

  23. 但是,在香港,一些流浪狗正在开始新的生活。

    But in Hong Kong , some strays are getting a new lease of life .

  24. 它们是流浪狗。

    They were wild street dogs .

  25. 动物收容所工作人员拒绝杀害流浪狗

    Pound Workers Refuse to Kill Strays

  26. 它一定是只流浪狗!

    It must a stray dog !

  27. 从此,这家咖啡馆每晚都打开门接纳无处安身的流浪狗。

    Since then , they 've been opening their doors to the dogs every single night .

  28. 这听起来似乎很奇怪,他和一只流浪狗成了最好的朋友!

    As strange as it may sound , he became best friends with a stray dog !

  29. 如果我和流浪狗遇到麻烦,我会使用一根粗壮的手杖。

    I would also carry a stout walking stick if I had problems with stray dogs .

  30. 秘鲁遍地都是流浪狗

    Peru is full of stray dogs