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  • 网络Poisonous rice
  1. 欢声起真拳真打毒大米莱斯和瑞利信道中FSK卷积码的统计特性

    The Statistical Characteristics of FSK Convolutionary code in Rice and Rayleigh channel

  2. 立式碾米机结构特点分析欢声起真拳真打毒大米

    Analysis of the Construction Features of Vertical Rice Milling Machines

  3. 欢声起真拳真打毒大米稻草还田对土壤性状及水稻产量的影响

    The effect of returning straws into paddy fields as fertilizer on soil properties and rice yield

  4. 类似的问题也曾在中国出现,引发了去年民众对毒大米的抗议。

    A host of similar problems have occurred in China , setting off an uproar over tainted rice last year .

  5. 食品与饲料中霉菌毒素的微生物脱毒研究进展大米中的真菌毒素及其生物脱毒技术的研究

    Detoxification of mycotoxin by microorganisms in food and feed Advances on Mycotoxins and Bio-detoxification Technology in Rice

  6. 室内毒杀试验表明,0.1、0.3、0.5、0.7和1.0%的毒鼠磷大米毒饵对社鼠的毒杀效果均高达100%。

    The rice baits with 0.1 , 0.3 , 0.5 , 0.7 and 1 % concentrations of gophacide were used to poison Rattus niviventer in laboratory . The results show that the effect of all these baits is very good , with the killing rate of one hundred percent .

  7. 为什么有那么多的中国人在食用毒猪肉、毒大米和毒奶粉?

    Why are so many Chinese ­ consuming poisoned and contaminated pork , rice , and milk powder ?