
dú lǐ xué jiā
  • toxicologist
  1. 世卫组织已经提供了螯合剂,临床毒理学家也已经开始培训当地的医务人员。

    WHO has provided chelating agents , and the clinical toxicologist has started training local medical staff .

  2. 然而,你从未听一未毒理学家说,孤独症和汞之间没有关联。

    Yet , you never hear from a toxicologist saying there is no correlation between autism and mercury .

  3. 功能基因组学技术在新药研发和药物安全性评价中的应用,为药物毒理学家预测药物的毒性和研究毒作用机制提供了崭新的理论和手段。

    Functional genomics technology makes a new way available for predicting drug toxicity and studying its mechanism .

  4. 好像以任何方式减少农药接触对你来说只有好处,对这一点毒理学家持不同意见。

    While it might seem that decreasing exposure to pesticides in any way could only be good for you , toxicologists would differ .

  5. 世卫组织派出了一个小组,其成员包括三名流行病学家,一名临床毒理学家,一名儿科医生,一名环境卫生专家和一名实验室专家。

    WHO deployed a team comprising three epidemiologists , a clinical toxicologist , a paediatrician , an environmental health expert and a laboratory specialist .

  6. 世卫组织应塞内加尔的正式请求,已经部署了一个由临床毒理学家、环境卫生专家和分析化学家组成的国际团队。

    Following a formal request from Senegal , WHO has deployed an international team consisting of a clinical toxicologist , an environmental health specialist and analytical chemist .

  7. 被问到不同毒素的风险问题时,85%以上的毒理学家反对这样一种观点:有机或者“天然”产品比其他产品更安全。

    When probed about the risk that different toxins pose , over 85 % rejected the notion that organic or " natural " products are safer than others .

  8. 世卫组织工作组包括一名流行病学家、数名实验室专家以及一名药理学家/毒理学家,他们将向为此设立的国家部门间委员会提供技术支持。

    The WHO team includes an epidemiologist , laboratory specialists and a pharmacologist / toxicologist who are providing technical support to the national intersectoral committee created for this purpose .

  9. 随着化学物质特别是持久性有机污染物大量排放到环境中,这些化学物质对生物乃至生态系统的内分泌扰乱作用,越来越受到生态毒理学家的关注。

    As large number of chemicals , especially permanent organic pollution are released into the environment , and many of these chemicals are suspected to have endocrine-disrupting activity and thereby affect organisms in many ecosystems .

  10. 阿尔斯特大学毒理学家、病理学家维维安·霍华德,也是改革的支持者。

    Vyvyan Howard , a toxicologist and pathologist at the University of Ulster , and a supporter of the reform , also reckons that the existing system is not as good as it claims to be .

  11. 这些生物学特性使其成为了毒理学家们的新宠,目前它已被广泛地用于胚胎发育毒理学、环境毒理学、病理毒理学、药物毒理学等毒理学领域的研究中,并展现出其特有的优势。

    All these advances have made this small aquarium fish a new " pet " of toxicologists . Zebrafish has been widely utilized in embryonic and developmental toxicology , environmental toxicology , pathological toxicology and pharmaceutical toxicology research .

  12. 当地卫生部门一位名叫阿列克谢·特列纪亚科夫的毒理学家对这一突然爆发的案件作出了解释:“死于这一情况的绝大多数民众,主要是因为他们饮用的液体中有高浓度甲醇。30-50毫升的甲醇就能致命。”

    Alexei Tretyakov , a toxicologist at the Regional Health Ministry , explained the sudden rise in cases . " The large number of people who died under these circumstances can be explained first and foremost by the high concentration of methanol in the liquid they drank . 30-50 ml of methanol is considered a lethal dose . "