• poison;toxin;drug;narcotics
  • poisonous;noxious;poisoned;malicious
  • kill with poison;poison
  • 有害的性质或有害的东西:~气。~性。~饵。~药。~蛇。吸~。贩~。

  • 害,伤害:~害。~化。~杀。莫予~也(没有谁能危害我,即谁也不能把我怎么样)。

  • 凶狠,猛烈:~辣。~计。~刑。狠~。恶~。

  • 恨,以为苦:令人愤~。

  • 古同“玳”,玳瑁。


(对生物体有害的性质或物质; 毒物) poison; toxin:

  • 服毒自杀

    commit suicide by taking poison;

  • 剧毒

    rank poison


(毒品) drug; narcotics:

  • 贩毒

    traffic in drugs;

  • 吸毒

    take drugs


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 毒平

    Du Ping


(有毒的) poisonous; noxious; poisoned:

  • 毒箭

    a poisoned arrow;

  • 毒蜘蛛

    poisonous spider


(毒辣; 凶狠; 厉害; 猛烈) malicious; cruel; fierce:

  • 毒打某人

    beat sb. mercilessly; beat sb. up;

  • 他的心肠真毒!

    How cruel he is!;

  • 那时太阳正毒,晒得他汗珠直往下滚。

    The sun was at its fiercest and beads of sweat kept rolling down his face.


(用毒物害死) kill with poison; poison:

  • 把老鼠毒死

    poison a rat;

  • 你将不得不用药物把这些讨厌的植物毒死。

    You will have to kill these unwanted plants with poison.

  1. 有些人认为这种程度的补偿实质上是阻止任何投标对手的“毒丸”防御。

    Some believe this level of compensation is essentially a poison pill to put off any rival bidders .

  2. 这种毒的解药尚未发现。

    There is no known antidote to the poison .

  3. 他最终克制不住,吸起毒来。

    He finally surrendered to his craving for drugs .

  4. 不久他们就死了,是一个神秘的投毒者下的手。

    Soon they were dead , victims of a mysterious poisoner .

  5. 他觉得晕乎乎的,好像吸了胶毒一样。

    He felt light-headed , as if he 'd sniffed glue .

  6. 许多毒效可以从细胞层次上去研究。

    Many toxic effects can be studied at the cellular level .

  7. 他被指控为一些毒贩运毒。

    He was accused of acting as a carrier for drug pushers .

  8. 毒蜘蛛和毒蛇成百上千。

    There are hundreds of poisonous spiders and snakes .

  9. 她已经戒了毒,并且认识到了生命可贵。

    She 's kicked her drug habit and learned that her life has value

  10. 他不可能像民间传说的那样被下了毒。

    He could not possibly have been poisoned as popular legend has it .

  11. 毒烟已经进入供水系统。

    Poisonous smoke had got into the water supply

  12. 他否认自己吸过毒。

    He denied he had used drugs

  13. 她从没有吸过毒,也没做过任何有损爵士乐名声的事。

    She 's never had any drug problems or done anything to give jazz a bad name .

  14. 克莱尔投毒?别逗了。她只不过厨艺很差罢了。

    Claire , a poisoner ? Don 't make me laugh — She was just a lousy cook .

  15. 那时太阳正毒,晒得他汗珠直往下滚。

    The sun was at its fiercest and beads of sweat kept rolling down his face .

  16. 他的心肠真毒!

    How cruel he is !;

  17. 毒贩子的老窝被警察连锅端了。

    The den of the drug dealers was completely destroyed by the police .

  18. 电脑染上毒了。

    The computer is infected with a virus .

  19. 他用一根消过毒的针扎破他脚后跟上的水泡。

    He pricks the blister on his heel with a sterilize needle .

  20. 酒驾、毒驾等违法行为

    illegal acts such as driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs

  21. 牛娃50对近距离攻击你的敌人造成毒伤。

    Bullfrog 50 Inflicts poison when your enemy damages you at short range .

  22. 提倡健康娱乐。抵制封建迷信活动,拒绝黄、赌、毒

    Promote the healthy entertainment styles . Repelling the superstition , gambling , drugs and obscenity .

  23. 我们所有的人立即赶往急诊室,并告诉医生我们吃了毒蘑菇。我们都被洗了胃。

    We all went to the emergency room in a mad rush , and had our stomachers pumped after telling them we had eaten poisonous mushrooms .

  24. 《绝命毒师》和《国土安全》都很精彩,但看起来也很烧脑。如果想看一些让人舒适的节目,那得是《灵书妙探》。

    Breaking Bad and Homeland are brilliant but heavy TV , so shows like Castle are just the thing when you need the visual equivalent2 of a hot water bottle .

  25. 毒射的阳光从迈克尔脸上扫过,将他从睡梦中慢慢唤醒,房间里静得出奇,他静静的躺在床上,努力想搞清楚今天是哪一天。

    The sun was unusually strong as it streamed across Michael 's face , waking him gently . There was a surreal stillness filling the room as Michael lay still , trying to work out which day it was .

  26. 重组肉毒毒素B重链结合区片段的表达、纯化及其抗原性分析

    Expression , purification and antigenicity analysis of recombinant C-terminal fragment of botulinum neurotoxin type B heavy chain

  27. 黄瓜花叶病毒cDNA载体在烟草细胞中表达外源基因

    Cucumber mosaic virus cDNA Vector Expressed Foreign Genes in Tobacco Cells

  28. 目的用浓度分别为0.10%、0.15%、0.20%的C型肉毒毒素对大同市草地害鼠进行杀灭试验,以确定草地灭鼠应用的最佳浓度。

    Objective To acquire the optimum concentration of Type-C botulin used in killing wild rodent on the grassland in Datong city .

  29. PCR合成的A型肉毒毒素重链C端结合区基因的高效表达与免疫原性分析

    Immunogenicity and overexpression of PCR-synthesizing gene of heavy chain from C-terminal binding domain of botulinum neurotoxin type A

  30. MAP-H2O2-HRP伏安酶联免疫分析测定南方菜豆花叶病毒

    MAP-H_2O_2-HRP Voltammetric Enzyme linked Immunoassay for Trace Southern Bean Mosaic Virus