
  • 网络paederus;Paederus fuscipes;Paederus fuscipes Curtis
  1. 毒隐翅虫皮炎441例的调查报告

    An investigative report of 441 Cases of paederus dermatitis

  2. 毒隐翅虫研究进展1名称,分类与生物学

    ADVANCES ON THE STUDY OF PAEDERUS & 1 . Name , Classfication , and Biology

  3. 毒隐翅虫研究进展3食性及其在农业上的重要意义

    Advances in the study of Paederus 3 feeding habits of Paederus and its agricultural importance

  4. 能引起本病的毒隐翅虫全世界已记载20种。

    There are 20 species of paederus capable of causing dermatitis linearis having described in the world .

  5. 本文论及毒隐翅虫的学名、俗名、分类与生物学。

    This paper deals with the scientific and colloquial names of paederus , and their classification and biology .

  6. 发现病原虫为黄足毒隐翅虫,该虫体液内含有毒性物质既溶于水,又溶于乙醇;

    The body fluid of this insect contains a toxic substance which dissolves both in water and in alcohol .

  7. 本文对毒隐翅虫毒素的分析、合成、生化特性,在虫体内的出处,毒理学与病理学,药理学,在癌及细胞生物学上的意义作了综述。

    This paper advances a summary of the analysis , synthesis , biochemical properties and occurence of the toxin of paederus , of the significance of toxicology and pathology , pharmacology and cancer research and cellular biology .