
  • 网络Clove Fruit;Torenia flava
  1. 公、母丁香乙醇提取物离体抑菌活性比较

    Comparision on antibacterial activity of ethanol extracts of clove bud and clove fruit in vitro

  2. 共鉴定了41个化合物,分别从公丁香和母丁香的挥发油中鉴定出29种和33种化合物,分别占挥发油总量的98.42%和93.22%。

    A total of 41 volatile components were identified , 29 and 33 of which were identified from the bud and fruit essential oils of clove , respectively , which accounts for 98 . 42 % and 93 . 22 % of the total essential oils , respectively .