
hūn cài
  • meat dishes;pungent foods
荤菜 [hūn cài]
  • (1) [meat dishes]∶有肉的菜;有辛味的蔬菜

  • (2) [a acrid and strong-smelling vegetable]∶同荤

  1. 哦,一份饭有两样荤菜和一样蔬菜。

    Well , one portion has two meat dishes and one vegetable .

  2. 今儿怎么要荤菜呀?

    Why so many meat dishes today ?

  3. 他们要了一餐荤菜。

    They ordered a non-veg meal .

  4. 这家餐厅的荤菜非常有名,官员们有各种各样的选择,之后一些官员还按照以前的习惯又去BaurauLac的酒吧小酌。

    A wide array of choices were available - the restaurant is known for its meat dishes - and afterward a number of officials went to the bar at the Baur au Lac for the customary nightcap .

  5. 素食已经吃够了;让我们吃荤菜吧。

    Enough of vegetarianism ; let 's have a meaty meal .

  6. 你试试看不吃荤菜什么的看看。

    You try to eat what to see .

  7. 俄罗斯菜以它的各种汤和荤菜著名于世。

    Russian cuisine is famous for its soups such as borscht and meat dishes .

  8. 我们常做荤菜。

    We always cook meat .

  9. 开饭的时候,有荤菜或素食可选,他选择了素食。

    We were offered a choice of meat or vegetarian dishes and he chose the vegetarian diet .

  10. 吃荤菜前先来点汤好吗?

    Can I take your order now ? Will you have some soup before the meat course ?

  11. 如果是以荤菜为主的菜肴,那么三分之一的配料应当是素菜;而以素菜为主的菜肴应当三分之一的配料是荤菜。

    One-third of meat-based dishes should be made of vegetable ingredients , and one-third of vegetable dishes should consist of meat .

  12. 晚餐时,林先生添了两碟荤菜,酬劳他的店员。

    For dinner that evening , Mr. Lin served two additional meat dishes , by way of reward to his employees .

  13. 在美国,我们有时也通常会做一些素菜来搭配荤菜以平衡膳食。

    In the US , we usually also have a green vegetable to go with this for a more balanced meal .

  14. 荤菜要选瘦肉,比如去皮的鸡胸肉、火鸡汉堡、猪腰肉和牛里脊肉等。

    For meat dishes , look for leaner cuts , such as skinless chicken breasts , turkey burgers , pork loin and beef sirloin .

  15. 科学研究表明荤菜因为油脂的缘故不容易消化,油脂可能阻塞血管,引发心血管病。

    Scientific studies show that carnivorous diet is hard to digest because of fat which may clog blood vessels , leading to cardiovascular disease .

  16. 午餐有好几道菜,全是海里的东西,其中有些荤菜,我简直不知道它们的性质和出处。

    Our breakfast consisted of several dishes whose contents were all supplied by the sea , and some foods whose nature and derivation were unknown to me .

  17. 到了立秋,秋风一起天气凉爽,人的胃口就好了,需要吃点儿荤菜增加营养,补偿夏天的损耗。

    However a cooler weather after the day of Beginning of Autumn stimulates their appetite and they usually have oily and meat dishes for the lost in summer .
