
Spearman rank correlation showed calcium nutritional knowledge only related to the intakes of beans / bean products , and fish and shrimp , while attitudes related to intakes of all the three calcium-rich foods .
Advances in molecular level study of stress tolerance of fish and shrimps
A review on the application of malachite green for diseases of fishes and crustaceas
A Study on Biomass Variance and Distribution of Small fishes and shrimps in the Open Waters of Taihu Lake
Useful high-protein food : fish and shrimp , sea water , such as fish , shrimp , squid , shellfish , crabs , and so on ;
In this study , we added phagostimulant used in fish and shrimp , different kind and different dose , to base diet containing 30 % fish meal , initial screening of high activity crab phagostimulant .
" Fishing areas " means spawning grounds , feeding grounds , wintering grounds and migration channels of fish and shrimp as well as aquacultural grounds of fish , shrimp , shellfish and aquatic plants .