
  • 网络rooming-in;well-baby nursery,WBN;Rooming-in Care
  1. 母婴同室管理模式的利弊与改进方法

    Advantage and disadvantage of management mode of direct rooming-in and its improvement

  2. 目的了解母婴同室病房产妇的睡眠状况及相关因素。

    Objective To investigate status of sleep of rooming-in periods puerpera and its relative factors .

  3. 方法:监测环境为医院内的手术室、供应室、母婴同室、注射室(液疗中心)、处置室、ICU。

    Methods : ( 1 ) The environment which is monitored include operating rooms , supply rooms , injection rooms , disposal rooms and ICU .

  4. 母婴同室新生儿感染因素分析

    Reasons of neonate infection in the room of mother and infant

  5. 母婴同室产妇健康教育效果分析

    Effectiveness of Health Education on Puerpera at Rooming in Ward

  6. 母婴同室医院感染的控制与管理

    Hospital Infection in Room of Mother and Infant : Control and Management

  7. 母婴同室新生儿血糖测定的临床研究

    Clinical study of plasma glucose in neonatal in maternal-neonatal unit

  8. 母婴同室新生儿护理模式探讨

    The Study of the Nursing Mode of Neonate in Mother-newborn in Room

  9. 母婴同室转治危重新生儿47例临床分析

    Clinical analysis of 47 rooming - in critical neonates

  10. 运用护理程序对母婴同室产妇实施健康教育

    Applying Nursing Procedure to Carry out Health Education for Parturient in Mother-infant Room

  11. 目的探讨母婴同室合适的新生儿护理模式。

    Objective To study the suitable nursing mode of neonate in mother-newborn in room .

  12. 308例母婴同室婴儿疾病分析

    Analysis of Neonatal Diseases in 308 Newborns Staying with Their Mothers in Same Ward

  13. 对母婴同室新生儿常见病发病情况分析

    Common Disease Incidence of the Mother-baby ward

  14. 产科母婴同室新生儿皮疹相关因素探讨

    The related factors of skin rashes in the newborns in maternal-neonatal unit of department of obstetrics

  15. 母婴同室陪护、探视人员手、咽喉的感染监测及分析

    Supervision and Analysis of Hand and Pharyngeal Infections of Caregivers and Visitors in the Maternity Room

  16. 目的控制或减少母婴同室医院感染的发生率。

    Objective To control or reduce the incidence of hospital infection in room of mother and infant .

  17. 母婴同室和新生儿监护室表皮葡萄球菌植被动态的对比研究

    A contrastive study of the vegetation of SE in the room of mother and infant and NICU

  18. 实行24小时“母婴同室”(让母亲和婴儿始终在一起)。

    Practise " rooming in "– allowing mothers and infants to remain together – 24 hours a day .

  19. 母婴同室新生儿医院内获得性肺炎临床研究新生儿巨细胞病毒感染的最适实验室诊断

    Hospital Acquired Pneumonia among Neonates in the Rooms for Mother and infant Optimal experimental diagnosis of neonatal cytomegalovirus infection

  20. 结论母婴同室优于专设新生儿病房。

    Conclusion The room for mother and infant is better than the ward specially set up for the newborn .

  21. 爱婴医院实施的早吸吮、母婴同室提高了婴儿的母乳喂养率。

    The carter breast-feeding and the rooming-in for mother and her infant carryed out in the hospital raised breast feeding rate .

  22. 改进消毒与管理措施前后母婴同室空气细菌总数的变化

    Changes of total bacterial count of air in room of mother with infant in hospital before and after improvement of disinfection and administrative measures

  23. 另外选取60例为同期在我院出生的无围生期窒息、缺氧史的产科母婴同室的健康新生儿为对照组。

    Another 60 cases selected for the same period in our hospital out-patient medical care without perinatal asphyxia and hypoxia as the normal control group .

  24. 本文对我院母婴同室前后择期剖宫产分娩的100例健康新生儿,按三种不同喂养方式进行分组观察其生理性体重下降情况。

    The Jiamusi General Hospital effects of different feeding methods on a decline in physidogical weight in 100 health newborns who were born by caesarean operation .

  25. 515例少数民族住院新生儿个案资料分析结论:母婴同室、母乳喂养能降低新生儿感染性疾病的发病率,有益于新生儿健康。

    Analysis of incidence of common diseases of 515 hospitalized newborns in ethnic groups Conclusion : Neonate living with mother could decrease the common diseases ' incidence .

  26. 目的探讨母婴同室及母乳喂养对于剖宫产产妇子宫复旧及乳汁分泌的影响。

    Objective To discuss the effect of breast feeding and mother infant staying at the same room on the uterus ' involution and milk secretion of the parturients .

  27. 中草药用于母婴同室病房空气消毒的效果观察产后母婴同室对母婴健康的近期观察

    Application of Herbs in the Air Disinfection of the Room of Mother and Infant together Short - term effect of identical room of mother and infant to the health of mothers and infants

  28. 脓疱病可在母婴同室新生儿间流行,传染途径与医护人员感染、护理不当、产妇胎膜感染、生活用品消毒不彻底等有关。

    Impetigo can prevail among neonates in maternal neonatal unit , the infection routes are related to the infection in health care workers , improper nursing care , fetal membranes infection in pregnant women and non strict sterilization of utensils .

  29. 结果:母婴同室新生儿感染发生率4.4%,比母婴分室新生感染率10.28%明显降低(P<0.01)。

    [ WT5HZ ] Result : [ WT5BZ ] The percentage of neonates infection in the room of mother and infant , which was 4.4 % , was obviously lower than those not in the room of mother and infant , which was 10.28 % .

  30. 提示:母婴同室能使泌乳始动时间明显提前,泌乳率提高,泌乳量增加,亦可促进子宫复位,并能降低新生儿感染性疾病的发生率,使新生儿生理体重下降幅度小,且回升较快。

    Conclusion : The mother and infant in the same ward can make early lactation , increase the rate and the amount of lactation , promote uterine involution , decrease the incidence of neonatal infectious disease and is beneficial to the maternal and neonatal health .