
mǔ jiàn
  • mother ship;depot ship;mother ship (carrier)
母舰 [mǔ jiàn]
  • (1) [mother ship (carrier)]

  • (2) 对小型舰艇(如鱼雷快艇或潜艇)进行护航或导航的海军舰船

  • (3) 对几艘小舰艇进行供应的舰船

母舰[mǔ jiàn]
  1. 那个不就像是你的母舰吗?

    Isn 't that , like , your mother ship ?

  2. 站在母舰的舰桥上。

    Standing on the peltak of that mother ship .

  3. 自上个月以来那艘航空母舰就一直停靠在那儿。

    The aircraft carrier has been docked there since last month .

  4. 他竟然坐航空母舰回的英格兰。

    He had returned to England in an aircraft carrier no less

  5. 俄罗斯指挥官指挥一艘巨型航空母舰驶入一个俄罗斯港口。

    Russian commanders docked a huge aircraft carrier in a Russian port

  6. 敌方的一艘航空母舰快速逼近他们的驱逐舰。

    An enemy carrier bore down on their destroyers .

  7. 导弹击中了航空母舰。

    The missile hit the carrier .

  8. 飞机从航空母舰上起飞。

    The airplane lifted from the aircraft carrier .

  9. 不幸的是,对他们(通常是纳税人)来说,我们的能源系统有点像航空母舰:价格高得惊人,需要花很长时间建造,巨大的惯性意味着需要大量的能源才能启动,一旦启动,它们就有很大的动量。

    Unfortunately for them ( and often the taxpayers ) , our energy systems are a bit like an aircraft carrier : they are unbelievably expensive , they are built to last for a very long time , they have a huge amount of inertia ( meaning it takes a lot of energy to set them moving ) , and they have a lot of momentum once they are set in motion .

  10. 无人机控制模块将会显示出其对于泰坦级战舰和航空母舰的CPU削弱。

    The drone control unit description now displays a CPU reduction bonus for Motherships and Carriers .

  11. 结合大气紊流和航空母舰在海上的随机运动的2个实例,给出了在MATLAB中模拟类似过程的方法,并对结果进行了检验。

    The procedure of simulating stationary random processes with MATLAB was illustrated by two examples : air turbulence and aircraft carrier motion at sea .

  12. 多年来,外界一直在广泛推测,中国海军(PLAN)有意建造或购买航空母舰,以提高其军力投送能力。

    For many years it has been widely speculated that the PLA Navy ( PLAN ) is interested in building or acquiring an aircraft carrier to improve its power projection capabilities .

  13. ArkRoyal号航空母舰是一艘服役了25年的轻型航空母舰,在伊拉克战争中扮演重要的角色。

    Ark Royal is a light aircraft carrier that played a leading role in the Iraq invasion and was in service for 25 years .

  14. 两周前,中国曾拒绝允许“小鹰号”航空母舰(usskittyhawk)在感恩节期间进入香港。

    China last week also refused to allow USS Kitty Hawk permission to visit Hong Kong over Thanksgiving .

  15. 为研究舰载飞机进舰着舰过程中航空母舰尾流的影响,选取了一个尾流模型在微机的MATLAB环境中模拟其速度的空间分布。

    A model of carrier air wake is selected to simulate the spatial distribution of velocity of air wake in MATLAB on a PC for study of environmental effects on approaching and landing of the carrier base aircraft .

  16. 据一个网站介绍,英国国防部处置服务署将会卸载ArkRoyal之上的武器,通讯设备和先进的军事装备,然后把航空母舰移交给最终的买家。

    The MoD 's disposal services authority will strip Ark Royal of her weapons , communications systems and other advanced military equipment before handing her over to the eventual buyer , according to its website .

  17. 中国军方周一打开大门接待美国国防部长哈格尔(ChuckHagel),为这位美国最高防务官员提供了一次难得的参观中国新航空母舰的机会。

    China 's military opened its doors on Monday to Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel , offering America 's top defense official a rare look at its new aircraft carrier .

  18. 1998年,一家香港公司买下了乌克兰航空母舰瓦雅格号(Varyag),表面上看是要将其改装为一艘休闲船只。

    Another Hong Kong-based company bought the Ukrainian aircraft carrier Varyag in 1998 , ostensibly for turning into a leisure boat .

  19. 在WTO体制下,改革我国的金融分业经营法律制度,实行金融混业经营,培育和发展金融控股公司,组建中国金融业航空母舰,是应对日趋激烈的国际竞争的一种现实选择。

    Under WTO system , in order to tackle the reality of fierce international competition , China must give up the financial separated-operation legal system to implement financial mixed-operation system , and foster and develop the financial holding companies and set up Chinese financial " aircraft carriers " .

  20. 和J-20一样,中国军队在新战舰,潜艇,导弹以及一个和更多的航空母舰上的发展也让人感到迷惑。

    Along with the J-20 , China 's military is developing sophisticated new warships , submarines , missiles and possibly one or more aircraft carriers .

  21. 空军的B-25米切尔型轰炸机从大黄蜂号航空母舰(USSHORNET,CV-12)的甲板上起飞,加入到第一波对日本本土轰炸的机群中去。

    Take off from the deck of the USS HORNET of an Army B-25 on its way to take part in first U.S.air raid on Japan .

  22. 在他们发射DF-21之前,中国另外一个问题将是常见的考虑航空母舰目标在哪里。

    Another problem the Chinese will have is getting a general idea of where the target carrier is before they launch the DF-21 .

  23. 如果有一个大型的能够进行远距离攻击的UAS能在拥挤的航母飞行甲板上成功运转,这将减轻人们对航空母舰未来的担忧。

    If a big , long-range UAS can operate safely from a congested carrier flight deck at sea , that would go some way to allaying fears for the future of aircraft-carriers .

  24. 在最近几周,中国拒绝了一系列美国战舰停靠访问香港的要求,其中包括美航空母舰“小鹰号”(kittyhawk),以及其它两艘躲避恶劣天气的较小舰只。

    Beijing has in the last few weeks refused permission for port visits to Hong Kong by a string of US warships including the aircraft carrier Kitty Hawk , as well as two smaller vessels seeking refuge from bad weather .

  25. 与美国及中国的飞机不同,dassault公司制造的这种阵风战斗机,可从航空母舰上起飞。

    Unlike the American and Chinese planes , the Rafale , built by Dassault , can fly from aircraft carriers .

  26. 大连港入口处的警卫态度强硬得有些粗鲁:游客不得进入港口,以便更近距离地观看停泊在这座中国东北部城市的前苏联航空母舰&瓦良格号(Varyag)。

    The guard at the Dalian port gate was brusquely adamant : visitors could not enter for a closer look at the Varyag , a former Soviet aircraft carrier berthed at the north-eastern Chinese city .

  27. 在杰拉尔德福特是有史以来第一次将建造航空母舰在此基础上首次在一个三维可视化协同工具称为ROVR完成设计。

    The Gerald R.Ford is the first-ever aircraft carrier to be constructed based on designs that were first done in a3D collaborative visualization tool called ROVR .

  28. 如果中国确实成功创造一个“航空母舰杀手”版本的DF-21,美国海军能修改它的宙斯盾反导系统保护航空母舰免于此类攻击。

    If the Chinese do succeed in creating a " carrier killer " version of the DF-21 , the U.S.Navy can modify its Aegis anti-missile system to protect carriers against such attacks .

  29. 一般认为中国DF-21弹道导弹已经装备一枚高爆弹头和一套能在海上寻找并且击中一艘航空母舰的制导系统。

    The general idea is that the Chinese DF-21 ballistic missile has been equipped with a high-explosive warhead and a guidance system that can find and hit a aircraft carrier at sea .

  30. 长期以来,外界一直将中国购买瓦良格号视为一个证据,证明中国有兴趣自主建造相当于俄罗斯库兹涅佐夫(Kuznetsov)级航母的航空母舰。

    The purchase of the Varyag has long been widely seen as proof of China 's interest in building its own equivalent of the Russian Kuznetsov-class carrier .