- 名pyrenomycetes

Cloning and Analyzing of G-protein β - Subunit Gene in Rhizoctonia solani Causing Soybean Sharp Eyespot
The result shows that R.
Research Progress on Resistant Breeding to Fusarium and Rhizoctonia Beet Root Rots
Methods : 1 . Inoculating Rhizoctonia leguminicola on PDA in a stated time , making it holding hearty vitality .
Effects of abiotic factors were investigated on resistance induction of potato tuber slices against Rhizoctonia solani .
Average disease rating and disease index of rice sheath blight were investigated after inoculating with Rhizoctonia solani .
The extracellular Polygalacturonase ( PG ) activities in Rhizoctonia and effect of Trichoderma viride on PG activities were investigated .
Rhizoctonia zeae Voorhees was an important pathogen of Maize sheath blight .
Studies on control of Wheat Sheath Blight I. comparison of biology and virulence of Rhizoctonia spp . On wheat , barley and their rotation crops
In the tobacco field of tobacco-rice rotation , tobacco root and stem rot was found , the pathogen was identified as Rhizoctonia solani .
Based on the numerical solutions of the generalized Moore 's equations , the energy density is studied for the one-dimensional cavity where two boundaries oscillate resonantly . One is R.
In this study , 101 Rhizoctonia solani K ü hn strains were collected from 21 locations of 48 sites in the fragment and 37 plants in alfalfa diseased seedlings .
Rhizoctonia solani , a group of important plant pathogenic fungi , can cause serious disease in a variety of crops , such as rice and wheat .
The results of studiesshowed : the effect of soybean root system secretion upon Rhizoctonia was the most important , and the order of activity of the fungi secretion on trace elements in soil was : Mn 〉 Zn 〉 Cu 〉 Cd .
Put the chitinase into the PD medium , when the concentration of the chitinase was 10 % , the inhibition rate against the dry weight of Rhizoctonia mycelial was up to 68.14 % , the inhibition effect is obvious . 5 .
DNA polymorphism in the 18S nuclear rRNA gene region was investigated by using 11 restriction endonucleases for 161 isolates of 25 intraspecific groups ( ISGs ) representing 11 reported anastomosis groups ( AGs ) of Rhizoctonia solani .
Solani can produce sclerotia , which can endure reverse , even extreme environmental conditions . Therefore sclerotia play a key role in the survival and transmission of the pathogen .
Sorghum seedling disease caused by Rhizoctonia solani is one of the soilborne diseases . The distribution patterns of pathogen in the soil could be determined indirectly with those of infected plants and lesions .
Holomorphic vectors and holomorphic automorphism groups of a sort of three-dimensional Hopf manifold ; form genus of imperfect fungi some species of which are now placed in genera Pellicularia and Corticium because their perfect stages have been found .
The mutagenicity of the secondary metabolites was studied by experiments including bone marrow micronucleus assay ( stained by giemsa and feuglen ) and ames assay .
73 isolates of Rhizoctonia were obtained from 97 specimen , 6 species of infected turf-grasses , The nuclei were stained to determine the number in vegetative hyphal cells by DAPI staining nuclear technique .
Corn sheath blight is a soil-borne disease in the Corn Belt around the world , which impact on worldwide corn yield , and cause enormous economic loss . The main pathogen is Rhizoctonia solani K ü hn , which belonged to Rhizoctonia .
The study was made by morphological observation and the blending reaction with the strains of Rhizoctonia solani from the vegetables in Nujiang-ba , Baoshan . From the result of above tests , optimal reaction solution was obtained .
Identification of Rhizoctonia species associated with Kentucky bluegrass and Tall fescue
Research Progresses in the Biocontrol of Plant Diseases Caused by Rhizoctonia
Anastomosis Groups and Distribution of Rhizoctonia spp. Isolates in Yunnan Province
Screening for Fungicides and Resistance Strains Against Sclerotium oryzae in Laboratory
The reaction of the growth stages of rice to Rhizoctonia solani
Study on Biocontrol Mechanism of Trichoderma Viride on Rhizoctonia and Trichoderma Preparation
Nucleus number of Rhizoctonia mycelium cells from turf-grasses in China