
hé fā diàn
  • nuclear power
  1. 核发电的安全性

    Nuclear power and its safety

  2. 由于在日本,29%的电力依靠核电,停止核发电把日本带入了黑暗笼罩的停电危机。

    Since the country depends on nuclear power for29 % of its electricity , the nuclear freeze threatened to cast Japan into darkness .

  3. 在弗蒙特-扬基核发电公司一案中,法院认为,通常情况下,法官无权把法令、宪法和机构自身规则以外的诉讼程序强加给机构。

    In Vermont Yankee the Court held that judges normally lack the authority to impose any additional procedures on agencies beyond those required by statute , the Constitution , or the agency 's own rules .

  4. 在对国外核电经济性进行分析的基础上,指出国外核发电成本都低于煤电,估计未来核电在经济上将仍有竞争力。

    On the basis of analysis for the economy of nuclear power in abroad , it is verified that the cost of nuclear power is cheaper than that of coal-fired power . In the future , the nuclear power is still competitive in economy .

  5. 2006年11月世界上包括中国在内的几个国家或地区签订了ITER(Internationalthermonuclearexperimentalreactor)计划用于实现核聚变发电,计划建设一个实验用的核聚变装置。

    In November 2006 , some countries on the world , including China , signed the plan ITER ( International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor ) program to achieve nuclear fusion power . It plans to build a experimental nuclear fusion device .

  6. 法国通过核电站发电的比例高于其他任何大国,该国与芬兰各自都在建设一座由法国工业集团阿海珐公司(areva)开发的欧洲压水堆(epr)型核电站。

    Finland and France , which produces more of its electricity in nuclear plants than any other big country , each have under construction a plant of the European pressurised reactor ( EPR ) design developed by Areva , a French industrial group .

  7. 利用核聚变发电的障碍很明显。

    There are still significant roadblocks to harnessing fusion power .

  8. 我们可以利用原子核裂变发电。

    We can generate electric power by splitting atoms .

  9. 科学家认为,核聚变发电将颠覆整个能源行业。

    Scientists deem fusion power to be a potential game-changing source of energy .

  10. 早些时候的报导说,宫城县附近的女川核电厂发电机组发生火灾。

    A fire was also reported earlier in the turbine building of the Onagawa nuclear plant in Miyagi .

  11. 绿色能源生产成本很便宜。核反应堆发电的同时还可以用其副产品直接从水中制氢气。

    ' Green'energy is cheap , cheap , cheap to produce . A nuclear reactor can produce hydrogen directly from water using byproduct heat while also generating electricity .

  12. 核反应堆发电量仅为全球总发电量的14%,而其年龄中位数为27年,设计寿命一般为40年,许多反应堆正临近退役。

    Nuclear reactors generate only 14 % of the world 's electricity , and with a median age of about 27 years ( see chart ) and a typical design life of 40 a lot are nearing retirement .

  13. 本文利用气隙探测线圈和RSO两种测量方法,分析大亚湾核电站2发电机组转子绕组匝间短路的发生、发展以及最后的接地过程,并对匝间短路的检查分析方法进行了初步探讨。

    Both the method of searching coil and RSO analysis are used to assess the short circuit process of Unit 2 generator rotor of Daya Bay Nuclear Power Plant . Brief discussion is made on the two analyzing methods .

  14. 辐射伏特效应用于核衰变能发电的初步研究

    The radio-voltaic effect applied to radioisotopic decay energy power generation

  15. 5-羟色胺对大鼠下丘脑脑片弓状核神经元自发电活动的影响

    Effects of 5-HT on activity of arcuate neurons of rat hypothalamic slices

  16. 这座核设施的发电量足够200万个家庭使用。

    The facility can produce enough electricity to power two million homes .

  17. 核电站汽轮发电机组与供汽系统的功率匹配

    Power Matching of Turbine-generator Unit to Steam Supply System at Nuclear Power Station

  18. 我们需要主要依靠核燃料来发电。

    We will need to generate most of our electricity using nuclear fuel .

  19. 如果核电站的发电量减少,情况就更是如此。

    If nuclear plants contribute less , that will be truer than ever .

  20. 1982年核电站的发电量占全国总发电量的百分之十二。

    In 1982 , nuclear plants produced twelve percent of the national total .

  21. 这些放射性元素为核电站裂变发电时的副产品。

    These radioactive elements are by-products of the fission reaction that generates power in the nuclear plants .

  22. 氟哌啶和普鲁卡因对脑薄片视上核神经元自发电活动的影响

    Influences of droperidol and procaine on the spontaneous neural discharge of supraoptic nucleus neurons from rat hypothalamic slices

  23. 用单管玻璃微电极记录28只家兔51单位室旁核神经元自发电活动。

    Extracellular recording method was used to observe 51-unit spontaneous discharge of paraventricular nuclei ( PVN ) in 28 urethan anaesthetized rabbits .

  24. 压水堆核电站汽轮发电机组与核蒸汽供应系统的功率匹配是使燃料棒表面的热负荷小于临界热负荷,并留有一定裕度。

    The power matching of the PWR turbine-generator unit at nuclear power station to the nuclear steam supply system indicates that the heat load at the surface of the nuclear bar is forced to be lower than the critical heat load with a certain surplus .

  25. 电力系统全过程仿真所需要的火电厂动力系统的数学模型、水电厂动态模型、压水堆核电站模型以及发电自动控(AGC)模型等已在电力系统全过程仿真软件中得到实现。

    The dynamic models , such as thermal power plant , hydroelectric power plant , nuclear power plant and the automatic generation control ( AGC ), which are necessary for power system full simulation are implemented in power system full dynamic simulation software .

  26. 德国能源巨头eon公司英国分公司eonuk的首席执行官保罗戈尔贝(paulgolby)表示,对新的核电站和风力发电站的需要创造了前所未有的投资需求,到2020年可达1000亿英镑甚至更多。

    Paul golby , chief executive of EON UK , the British arm of the German energy giant , said the need for new nuclear power stations and wind farms created an unprecedented demand for investment , which could be 100bn or more by 2020 .

  27. 核电厂应急柴油发电机组抗震分析和试验研究

    Seismic analysis and testing for emergency diesel generator set of nuclear power plant

  28. 一种核安全级柴油发电机组

    Diesel generating sets with nuclear plant safety standard

  29. 大鼠下丘脑室旁核大细胞自发电活动及对去甲肾上腺素反应的增龄性变化

    Aging changes of spontaneous electrical activities and responses to norepinephrine of magnocellular paraventricular nucleus neurons in rat hypothalamus

  30. 伊朗官员表示,这座核电站的初始发电容量为500兆瓦,最后将提高到1000兆瓦。

    Iranian officials say the production capacity of the plant will initially be500 megawatts but will eventually increase to1,000 megawatts .