
  • 网络Juan;Chouan
  1. 鲁迅显然是不忍把朱安推到这样一个境地的。

    Luxun obviously would not like to push her into such a situation .

  2. 但他主要顾虑的还是朱安。

    But his main concern was still Zhu'an .

  3. 失去左腿后的卢卡和她原来的主人下士朱安在一起养伤。

    Lucca , pictured recovering from her injuries after losing her leg with her then handler Corporal Juan Rodriguez .

  4. 继今年早前西班牙国王朱安-卡洛斯访华之行之后,星期六一对来自中国的幼年大熊猫作为北京的友善回馈抵达西班牙。

    A pair of giant pandas from China arrived Saturday in Spain as a goodwill gesture from Beijing following Spanish King Juan Carlos'state visit to China earlier this year .

  5. 朱安还建议求职者向面试官提出这样的问题,相似岗位上的其他新员工都遇到了怎样的挑战,我怎样才能做得更好?

    Junge also recommends that interviewees ask , What challenges have other new hires faced when starting in similar roles , and what could I do to put myself in a better position to succeed ?