
  • 网络the Jutes;Tony Judt;James Judd;Judd
  1. 449年,一位朱特族长成为了肯特的国王。

    A Jutish chief became the King of Kent in 449 .

  2. 但朱特不喜欢把自己视作主流的一部分。

    But judt did not like to see himself as part of the mainstream .

  3. 退行性疾病先让托尼-朱特失去了书写的能力,之后又剥夺了他说话的能力。

    A degenerative disease cost Tony judt the ability to write before it robbed him of the power of speech .

  4. 朱特的部分亲戚是亲德分子,认为纳粹时期只是一次严重的过失,并且还经常到德国度假。

    Some of his relatives were germanophiles , regarding the Nazi period as a terrible aberration and holidaying often in the Federal Republic .

  5. 1967年,朱特志愿投身“六日战争”保卫以色列,当时的他变成了一位直言不讳的批评家(有人认为这种观点有失公允)。

    Having volunteered to defend Israel in the six-day war of 1967 , he then became a forthright critic ( unfairly so , some said ) .

  6. 但与许多西欧政治和历史方面的专家不一样的是,朱特了解并且关注旧时铁幕之后的国家。

    But unlike many who specialise in West European politics and history , he knew , and cared for , the countries beyond the old iron curtain .

  7. 朱特的一生以高超的书法造诣、博学的洞察力和同时代的论战著称,崇拜者们将从这部令人哀伤的绝唱中找到充足的看点。

    Fans will find plenty to sustain them in this poignant coda to a life marked by great feats of penmanship , scholarly insight and contemporary polemic .