
  • 网络scenario comparison method;Project Contrast Method
  1. 采用方案比较法,基于模具形状对传统的直齿轮闭式锻造成形方案进行改进。

    Scenario comparison method was adopted to improve the conventional scheme of closed-die forging of spur gear based on mold shape .

  2. 该方法优于传统的方案比较法,具有一定的实用价值。

    It is superior to the traditional comparison method and has application value .

  3. 对方案比较法的认识

    Understanding on project comparing approach

  4. 利用地质统计法、价格法、方案比较法对北方某特大型多金属硫铁矿区的锌的最低工业品位进行了重新论证。

    The lowest industrial grade of zinc in a multi metal pyrite deposit was demonstrated again by geologic statistics method , price method and program comparison method .

  5. 最后对优化的平面布置方案用成本比较法进行评估,证明了用SLP进行平面布置的可行性和优化性。

    Finally , the optimized layout of the program is cost-comparison method to assess evidence for using SLP layout of the feasibility and optimization .