
  • 网络overall health;Wellness;holistic health
  1. 我的皮肤更光滑和整体健康有所改善。

    My skin is smoother and overall wellness has improved .

  2. 拂晓时在亚利桑那沙漠徒步行走是开启一天的好方法,但这里的理论是,这类活动或任何清晨的伸展运动,都只是整体健康之道的一小部分,而且这种做法现在很流行。

    Dawn hikes through the Arizona desert are a good way to start any day , but the theory here is activities like this , or perhaps an early morning stretch , are just slivers of a holistic approach to wellness that covers all bases , and it 's catching on .

  3. 任何有损男性整体健康状况的疾病都会影响精子的产生。

    Any disease which undermines a man 's general health will interfere with his sperm production

  4. 但增强整体健康和体格的问题也可能来自另一个方向:

    But the question of enhancing overall health and fitness can also come from the other direction :

  5. “比基尼医疗”是一种非正式说法,指的是一些医疗职业人士在治疗女性时,把注意力放在与乳房和生殖部位相关的健康问题上,而不是检查女性的整体健康状况。

    Bikini medicine is an informal term that refers to the tendency of some medical professionals to focus on health issues relating to the breasts and genital areas when treating women . This is as opposed to taking a look at the woman 's overall health .

  6. 当一个女人结束一段令人心碎的恋情之后,她也许会暂停和异性的约会,用一段时间来改善自己的整体健康状况,包括心理健康和外在容貌。这就是“爱情空窗休整期”。

    When a woman ends a heartbreaking relationship , she may give up dating with the opposite sex for a temporary period in an attempt to enhance her overall well-being , including her mental health and her physical appearance . This is called “ boytox period ” .

  7. 维生素C&维生素C能提高免疫性,帮助维护整体健康。

    Vitamin C & Vitamin C boosts immunity , which helps maintain overall health .

  8. CRAZY公司希望这个新的奖励机制能改善员工的生活习惯与整体健康状况,并提高他们的生产力。

    CRAZY hopes that the new reward system will improve the lifestyle habits and overall health of its employees , as well as boost their productivity .

  9. 自然PET三文鱼油,为ω-3必需脂肪酸,这是重要的营养物质的皮肤和毛发的自然源-和整体健康。

    Only Natural Pet Salmon Oil , a natural source for Omega-3 essential fatty acids , which are important nutrients for the skin and coat – and for overall health .

  10. 将两组治疗后各领域分值进行比较,治疗组在躯体功能、情绪功能、物理症状、整体健康状况、经济压力状况方面与对照组有差异性(P0.05)。

    After treatment , the scores in all areas compared to the treatment group in physical function , emotional function , physical symptoms , overall health status of economic pressure difference with the control group ( P0.05 ) . Conclusion : 1 .

  11. 因此我们询问了权威的营养学家LeslieLangevin什么是人们减肥时最大的问题,Leslie是整体健康营养学的理科硕士,研发工程师和创意总监。

    So we asked certified dietitian Leslie Langevin , MS , RD , CD , of Whole Health Nutrition to share the biggest mistake she sees people making when trying to drop pounds .

  12. 采用描述性分析、单因素统计推断(卡方检验)以及Logistic回归模型等方法对样本地区不同人口学、社会经济学特征农村居民的整体健康、体力与社交状况进行分析,探索健康的社会经济影响因素。

    Conducting descriptive statistics , univariate statistical inference ( x2test ) and Logistic regression etc. , we analyzed overall health status , physical strength and social communication of rural residents with different demographic characteristics and socioeconomic status , in order to explore socioeconomic factors related to health .

  13. 以HRV分析为代表的心血管自主神经功能检测与评价,可以反应机体的整体健康状况和功能水平,因此应该加强心血管自主神经功能评价在体育实践领域中的研究和应用。

    The functional assessment of cardiovascular autonomic nerve based on HRV can reflects the whole health status and functional level . We should enhance the study and application of ' functional assessment of cardiovascular autonomic nerve ' in the field of athletic practice .

  14. 可协助维持外周循环,促进整体健康。

    May assist in maintaining peripheral circulation and promoting general health .

  15. 骨骼肌肉机能状况是反映人体整体健康状况的一个非常重要的指标。

    Musculoskeletal fitness is a very important indicator of health status .

  16. 朋友们都对你的整体健康问题,他解释说。

    Friends are good for your overall health , he explains .

  17. 本文着重强调骨骼肌肉机能状况对人体整体健康状况的影响。

    This article emphasis the impacts of Musculoskeletal fitness on health status .

  18. 关注点则与系统的整体健康和维护相关。

    Ones pertain to the overall health and maintenance of the system .

  19. 住宅整体健康性的评价方法

    A method of assessment in integral healthy of housing

  20. 对整体健康内涵及其促进理论的探究

    Research on the Connotation of Holistic Health & Theory of Promotion for Health

  21. 水疗可能改善症状、功能和整体健康感。

    Water therapy may improve symptoms , function and overall sense of health .

  22. 负重抗阻练习对骨骼肌肉机能状况的改进及对人体整体健康的影响

    Resistance Training Improve the Musculoskeletal Fitness and Health Status

  23. 我们目前传播这个健康信息的聚会地点,是在海滨整体健康假日。

    Our current venue for spreading the message is Holistic Holiday at Sea .

  24. 春江花潮和海平面,海月亮潮整体健康。

    Happy Spring tide with sea level , sea moon tide total health .

  25. 专注时间对长期记忆和大脑整体健康来说非常重要。

    Focus time is important for long-term memory as well as overall brain health .

  26. 结论:1.2008年吉林大学朝阳校区教职工整体健康水平良好。

    In 2008 , Jilin University Chaoyang Campus faculty members ' whole good health .

  27. 这对你认识你的整体健康和幸福很重要。

    This is important for you to acknowledge for your overall health and well-being .

  28. 呼吸、体味、尿液,能够极其准确地预测人的整体健康状况。

    Breath , bodily odours and urine are all amazingly revealing about general health .

  29. 此外,整体健康状况有所改善,医疗知识也有所提高。

    In addition , there is better overall health and improved medical knowledge in care .

  30. 定期探访你的家庭医生会帮助您检查您的整体健康。

    Regular visits to your GP will help you keep a check on your overall health .