首页 / 词典 / good

  • stab;poke;prod;stir up;jab;touch
  • 用棍、棒、刀、枪等戳刺:~娄子(引起纠纷,惹祸。亦称“捅漏子”)。~马蜂窝(喻惹祸或招惹不好惹的人而引麻烦)。

  • 碰,触动:纸真薄,一~就破。

  • 揭露:把问题全~出来了。


(戳; 扎) poke; stab; stir up:

  • 被歹徒捅了一刀

    be stabbed by a scoundrel;

  • 把炉子捅一捅

    give the fire a poke;

  • 在纸上捅个洞

    poke a hole in the paper;

  • 小心! 你的竹竿别捅了他的眼睛。

    Be careful! Don't jab his eye out with your bamboo pole.


(碰; 触动) poke; touch:

  • 他的朋友睡着了, 他用肘轻轻地捅了他一下。

    He gave his friend who had fallen asleep a nudge.


(戳穿; 揭露) disclose; expose; let out; give away:

  • 把秘密捅了出去

    let out the secret;

  • 问题捅到了桌面上

    disclose the problem into the open;

  • 他是个直性子 把看到的事儿都捅出来了。

    He's a straightforward man and told everything he'd seen.

  1. 到处都是勃勃的生机,甚至粘在草茎上的小雪球里,也会躺着一只小绿虫,如果你把它捅开的话。

    Everywhere you look is life ; even the little ball of spit on the weed stalk , if you poke it apart , has a green worm inside it .

  2. 韩佳,我捅的是蜜蜂窝。

    Han Jia , I wanted to poke a beehive .

  3. 守门员刚好把球捅出球门的横梁。

    The goalkeeper just managed to tip the ball over the crossbar .

  4. 她用雨伞使劲捅了他一下。

    She gave him a sharp prod with her umbrella .

  5. 她用手指捅了捅他的腰。

    She jabbed him in the ribs with her finger .

  6. 欧文勉力把球捅入网窝。

    Owen managed to scramble the ball into the net .

  7. 他捅了一下我的肋部把我叫醒。

    He gave me a poke in the ribs to wake me up .

  8. 我用胳膊肘捅了她一下,可她没有反应。

    I nudged her but she didn 't react .

  9. 她用手指捅了捅他的腰。

    She jabbed her finger in his ribs .

  10. 她用胳膊肘捅他。

    She jabbed him with her elbow .

  11. 别捅我了!

    Stop poking me in the ribs !

  12. 她用胳膊肘捅了一下我的腰,让我住口。

    She gave me a gentle nudge in the ribs to tell me to shut up .

  13. 他谴责这次背叛是背后捅刀子。

    He denounced the defection as a stab in the back .

  14. 那位女士捅了捅邻座,急切地在他耳边低语。

    The woman prodded her neighbour and whispered urgently in his ear .

  15. 迪安试图用一把改锥捅他。

    Dean tried to stab him with a screwdriver

  16. 斯特恩用眼镜捅了我一下。

    Stern jabbed at me with his glasses

  17. 有人朝他肚子上捅了一刀。

    Somebody stabbed him in the stomach

  18. 他的朋友睡着了,他用肘轻轻地捅了他一下。

    He gave his friend who had fallen asleep a nudge .

  19. 他是个直性子把看到的事儿都捅出来了。

    He 's a straightforward man and told everything he 'd seen .

  20. 小心!你的竹竿别捅了他的眼睛。

    Be careful ! Don 't jab his eye out with your bamboo pole .

  21. 约翰要睡着了,捅他一下。

    John 's falling asleep , just give him a dig !

  22. 谁把秘密给捅出去了?

    Who gave away ( or let out ) the secret ?

  23. 索性都捅出来得了。

    Why not just let the whole thing out ?

  24. 你要是批评他们的做法,那你就捅了马蜂窝了。

    You 'll be bringing a storm about your ears if you try to criticize their way of doing things .

  25. 赫斯渥欺骗她的消息像一把刀捅到了她的心里。

    The knowledge of Hurstwood 's perfidy wounded her like a knife .

  26. 就在准备举起棍子捅夏洛时,他突然失去了平衡。

    He was just about to raise his stick to hit Charlotte when he lost his balance .

  27. Dude-fussing说的是这样的几种行为:出去露营的时候,有人差不多每隔30秒就要捅捅火堆,或者,出去烧烤的时候,总有人不停翻转烤架上的汉堡。这其实就是我们说的“瞎捣鼓”。

    Dude-fussing is when you go camping and someone feels a primal at the fire every 30 seconds , or when someone is barbecuing and they can 't just leave the burgers alone .

  28. 如果你stirupahornet'snest,捅了马蜂窝,你就闯祸了。

    Andif you stir up a hornet 's nest , you create trouble or problems .

  29. EarlChambers胡说八道,背后捅刀,他背叛了我却从未道歉。

    Earl Chambers is a liar and a backstabber who betrayed me and never apologized .

  30. Nate才是绅士,他不会捅什么篓子。

    Nate is a gentleman . He would never cause a scene .