首页 / 词典 / good

  • smooth with a wet brush;close lightly;pucker;tuck;sip
  • 刷,抹:~子(妇女梳头时抹油用的小刷子)。~头发。

  • (嘴、翅膀等)收敛,稍稍合拢:~嘴。

  • 收敛嘴唇,少量沾取:~酒。

  • 擦拭:~泣(揩拭眼泪)。


(用小刷子蘸水或油抹) smooth (hair, etc.) with a wet brush:

  • 抿了抿头发

    smooth one's hair; give one's hair a smooth


(稍稍合拢; 收敛) close lightly; pucker; tuck:

  • 抿嘴一笑

    pucker in a smile;

  • 小鸟抿着翅膀。

    The bird tucked its wings.


(略微喝一点) sip:

  • 抿一口茶

    take a sip of tea

  1. 她坐在阳光下懒洋洋地抿着冷饮。

    She sat in the sun , idly sipping a cool drink .

  2. 她坐在那儿抿着茶。

    She sat there , sipping at her tea .

  3. 她的双唇抿成了一道缝。

    Her lips compressed into a thin line .

  4. 他的嘴抿成了一道细缝。

    His mouth tightened into a thin line .

  5. 她紧抿着双唇。

    She pressed her lips together .

  6. 我想抿一口茶,可是太烫了。

    I tried to sip the tea but it was scalding .

  7. 她目光狠毒,唇紧抿。

    Her stare was malevolent , her mouth a thin line .

  8. 凯瑟琳又抿了一口杯中的酒,竭力使自己镇静下来。

    Katherine took another sip from her glass to calm herself .

  9. 她抿了口咖啡,然后把墙上的一幅画扶正。

    She sipped her coffee and straightened a picture on the wall .

  10. 她抿了一口水,润一下发干的喉咙。

    She took a sip of water to moisten her dry throat .

  11. 他抿了一口杯中的酒,然后放了下来。

    He sipped at the glass and then put it down

  12. 霍华德站在房间中央,小口抿着一杯咖啡。

    Howard stood in the middle of the room sipping a cup of coffee

  13. 基勒小口抿着他加了奎宁水的杜松子酒。

    Keeler sipped at his gin and tonic .

  14. 她放开莫娜的手,抿了一口饮料。

    She let go of Mona 's hand and took a sip of her drink

  15. 她小口地抿着酒。现在一切都变得模糊起来,除了尼克的脸。

    She sipped the wine . Everything was hazy now , except for Nick 's face

  16. 哈里抿了一口波旁威士忌。

    Harry took a sip of bourbon

  17. 她抿了一口杯中的酒,试图掩饰自己的不安。

    She sipped at the glass , trying to mask her agitation .

  18. 他抿着嘴笑,打心里喜欢这女人的醋劲儿。

    He smiled , pleased by the woman 's jealousy .

  19. 小鸟抿着翅膀。

    The bird tucked its wings .

  20. 水鸟儿一抿翅膀,钻入水中。

    The water bird tucked its wings and dived into the water .

  21. 并且她就打算在星期三晚上在北爱尔兰的Belfast这样做,她当天晚上在舞台上抿了一口啤酒。

    And the pop songstress attempted to do exactly that in Belfast , Northern Ireland on Wednesday night as she sipped a beer on stage as her Prismatic tour kicked off .

  22. 格拉斯穿了一件红色羊毛衫,外面罩着厚花呢外套。他抿着白葡萄酒,多数时间都在谈论自己,以及作为一名公共知识分子,他的作品对我们的报纸——《时代》周报(DieZeit)——产生了多大的影响。

    Dressed in a red wool sweater and a thick tweed jacket and sipping white wine , Mr. Grass spent most of the time talking about himself , and how much his work as a public intellectual had influenced our paper , Die Zeit .

  23. 他拿起那只杯子,用嘴唇抿了一下。

    He took the glass and raised it to his lips .

  24. 艾里沙爵士抿紧嘴唇,站了起来。

    Ser Alliser stood up , his mouth a tight line .

  25. 而我只能抿几小口布什马丁尼。

    I would only have a few sips of the W-tini .

  26. 黛玉磕着瓜子儿,只抿着嘴笑。

    Daiyu had been smiling rather cryptically as she cracked melon-seeds .

  27. 说着端起酒杯抿了一口。

    Hearing this , he took a sip of the wine .

  28. 我们离开她时,她还在抿着嘴轻声地笑。

    When we left her , she was still chuckling .

  29. 伊格尔抿了口茶,盯着远远的某处。

    Igel sipped his tea and stared at a point far off .

  30. 她斜扭着腰,抿着嘴笑了。

    She wriggled her hips and twisted her lips into a smile .