首页 / 词典 / good

  • clumsy;awkward;dull;stupid
  • 笨,不灵巧:笨~。弄巧成~。~劣。

  • 谦辞,称自己的:~作。~见。~笔。~著。


(笨) clumsy; awkward; dull; stupid:

  • 口拙

    slow of speech;

  • 手拙

    be all thumbs;

  • 拙于言词

    be inarticulate; be clumsy in expressing oneself


(谦词, 称自己的文章、见解等) my:

  • 拙著

    my writing

  1. 他拙于游泳。

    He is a clumsy swimmer .

  2. 你会瞅见的是一只鸠拙,傻的可爱,不成熟的大拉拉。

    They remain clumsy , hard-headed , goofy and immature for a long time .

  3. 你完全拙于写作。

    You are completely inept at writing .

  4. 在文法学校里,他因拙于体育但擅长辩论而让人印象深刻。

    At his grammar school he is remembered for being bad at games but good in debates .

  5. 拙匠常怪工具差。

    Bad workmen often blame their tools .

  6. 他赶紧走开,免得露拙。

    He walked away hurriedly so as not to betray his weakness .

  7. 拙匠怨器钝。

    A bad workman quarrels with his tools .

  8. 献拙了。

    Excuse me for my poor performance .

  9. 拙匠无利器

    A bad shearer never had a good sickle .

  10. 分析了几种分布式FBG传感解调系统,并详细研究了可调谐法布里-珀罗滤波扫拙法;

    Analyzed some methods of distributed FBG demodulation system and the tunable F-P filter demodulating method is introduced in detail ;

  11. 他们中有不少人极其拙于把自己的观念传达给别人。

    Many of them are extremely poor communicators of their ideas .

  12. 在全体人员里,我是那位最拙于划船的。

    In the crew I was the poorest hand at rowing .

  13. 不要让剑刃讥笑剑柄的拙钝。

    Let not the sword-blade mock its handle for being blunt .

  14. 那么为什么我们如此拙于和老同事保持接触呢?

    So why are we so bad at staying in touch ?

  15. 贾平凹小说不讲究结构的精巧,而以散漫、拙厚、古朴显得大气。

    Jia 's novel do not strive for exquisite of structure .

  16. 我拙于解释像这类的事情。

    I am very Bad at explaining things like this .

  17. 包含拙书及原始作品的档案均附呈。

    The files containing calligraphy and original works are attached .

  18. 拙政园虚拟巡游系统

    The Virtual Reality System of the Humble Administrator 's Garden

  19. 朗诵一段拙诗作为替代。

    As a poor but ready substitute , a brief poetic recital .

  20. 他们缺乏自信,也有可能是真的嘴拙。

    They just lack confidence , or are really bad with words .

  21. 虽拙于词令,行动却永远带头。

    Though words come hindmost , holds his rank before .

  22. 说来也不过是普通的黏土,质地粗拙;

    It was only common clay , coarse and heavy ;

  23. 职责那么重,我又才拙少俊语,

    Duty so great , which wit so poor as mine

  24. 她长于教学,却拙于管理。

    She 's a good teacher but a poor manager .

  25. 观人如观玉,拙眼喜讥评

    Judging character is like judging jade , the uninformed like to criticize

  26. 气愤以鸠拙匹里劈脸,以悔怨告终。

    Anger begins with folly , and ends in repentance .

  27. 拙的感觉,在艺术上是一种很高的境界。

    Plain feeling , is one kind of very high realm on art .

  28. 顺德画家冯汉昌,他选定的也是大俗拙雅之路。

    The artist Feng Hanchang from Shunde city selects this style as well .

  29. 观光农业环境&景观规划中的朴拙之美

    Agri-Tourism : The Natural Beauty in the Landscape Planning

  30. 我本是拙口笨舌的。

    I am slow of speech and tongue .
