首页 / 词典 / good

  • hold;grip;grasp
  • 握:~拳头。用手~住。


[口] (握) grip; grasp; hold:

  • 攥紧拳头

    clench one's fist;

  • 攥住他的手腕

    grasp him by the wrist;

  • 手里攥着一把斧子

    hold an axe in one's hand

  1. 她像小孩一样紧紧攥住那些照片,不肯放手。

    She held the photos with the determined grip of a small child and wouldn 't let go .

  2. NBC承认吸引退订用户的必要性,即使它牢牢攥住了奥运会转播权。

    NBC has acknowledged the need to appeal to cord-cutters , even as it holds a tight grip over Olympics coverage .

  3. 我站在那里,紧攥着门把手。

    I stood there , clasping the door handle .

  4. 他紧紧攥住她的胳膊不放。

    He laid a proprietorial hand on her arm .

  5. 他愤怒地攥紧了拳头。

    He clenched his fists in anger .

  6. 我把双手攥成拳头。

    My hands were balled into fists .

  7. 她双手攥拳。

    Her hands balled into fists .

  8. 亚历克丝攥紧拳头,牙咬得咯咯响。

    Alex clenched her fists and gritted her teeth

  9. 加里将一枚便士攥在手中。

    Gary clutched a penny in his fist .

  10. 他抓起那几张纸,在手里紧紧攥成团。

    He picked up the sheets of paper , and balled them tightly in his fists

  11. 他攥起了拳头。

    His hands balled into fists

  12. 他把金子紧紧地攥在手里。

    He clasped the gold in his hand .

  13. 她本能地攥紧了拳头。

    Her hands clenched involuntarily .

  14. 9月26日,25岁的演员罗伯特被拍到从洛杉矶的国际创新管理经纪公司出来,心情不佳的他走路的时候攥紧了拳头走向了X17图片社的拍照记者。

    The 25-year-old actor was photographed coming out of a meeting at the International Creative Management Talent Agency in LA on Sept. 26 and he got so upset that he balled up his fist and starting advancing towards an X17 photographer .

  15. G.H.攥住格斯的一只胳膊,把他拉到一旁。

    G. H. caught Gus 's arm and led him aside .

  16. 我将给你解释,攥住你的外套,女孩。

    I 'll explain , just grab your coat , girl .

  17. 手里攥着只鸟可糟透了。

    A bird in the hand is ... a real mess .

  18. 罗斯走过去,手里攥着鸡蛋。

    Ross walks over to the woman , egg in hand .

  19. 他定睛一看,金色飞贼正牢牢地攥在他那只没有受伤的手里。

    He focused on the Snitch clutched in his good hand .

  20. 我的手中攥着金黄的沙粒

    And I hold within my hand grains of the golden sand

  21. 他攥紧拳头怒视敌人。

    He clenched his fists and glared at the enemy .

  22. 她攥紧双手放在腿上,以掩饰其颤抖。

    She clenched her hands in her lap to hide their trembling .

  23. 祥子立起来,脑筋跳起多高,攥上了拳头。

    Xiangzi stood up , his brain bursting , his fists clenched .

  24. 斯内普抓住她的手腕,扳开她紧紧攥住他长袍的手。

    Snape caught hold of her wrists and removed her clutching hands .

  25. 我猜是那些手里攥着季票的人都买走了吧。

    I 'm guessing that season ticket holders got those .

  26. 他下意识地攥紧枪把想。

    Lao Yang thought as he subconsciously tightened his grasp on the rifle .

  27. 攥握在青青陌上,眩目成金灿灿的春花。

    Clenched grip in the green Mo , glaring into the golden Chunhua .

  28. 骑在那个男孩的身上,攥紧拳头使劲地打那个男孩。

    Seated astride the new boy , and pounding him with his fists .

  29. 好东西自己攥着只是种子,和别人分享便是鲜花。

    True happiness comes from the satisfaction of sharing wonderful things with others .

  30. 我看见他攥着右拳。

    I observed that he doubled his right fist .