
zhuō jiàn
  • my humble opinion
拙见 [zhuō jiàn]
  • [my humble opinion] 谦称自己的见解

拙见[zhuō jiàn]
  1. 依拙见,你错了。

    In my humble opinion , you were in the wrong .

  2. 依拙见,这可能是英国最好的牛排馆。

    It is , in my humble opinion , perhaps the best steak restaurant in Great Britain .

  3. 依我拙见,他将在选举中获胜。

    In my humble opinion , he will win the election .

  4. 我只是如实发表了自己对于这些录音带和CD的拙见。

    I am speaking the plain truth of my reaction to the records and CD you sent .

  5. 笔者对以往实施MBO所暴露出许多诸如收购主体、收购价格、收购资金风险等问题及对策提出拙见。

    Through implement of MBO in the past , it has exposed a lot of question , such as purchasing main part , purchasing price , purchasing fund hazard .

  6. 几位艺术家支持盆栽,包括在Instagram上写道的埃尔顿·约翰爵士(SirEltonJohn):“以我的拙见,BlindingLights是年度最佳歌曲。”

    Several artists sided with The Weeknd , including SirElton John , who wrote on Instagram : " In my humble opinion , Blinding Lights [ is ] song of the year . "

  7. 运用篮球意识的结构要素以及它形成的基本原理,结合CUBA球员的情况从而提出CUBA球员篮球意识培养之拙见。

    Abstract : According to the CUBA players ' special condition the author use theory of consciousness to analyze composition of the Basketball consciousness and the process which it formed , meanwhile give some constructive advice about how to train the CUBA players ' basketball consciousness .

  8. 关于宜居城市的拙见韶关市区居民体育消费调查研究

    Investigation on Sports Consumpition of the Resident in Shaoguan City

  9. 现金流量表补充资料填法拙见点滴

    Opinions on Filling Supplementary Data in a Cash Circulation Form

  10. 关于解决我国股市股权分置问题之拙见

    Solving the Problem of the Stock Right Dividing in China

  11. 依拙见,他正在犯一个重大的错误。

    In my humble opinion , he 's making a big mistake .

  12. 你对室内设计有何拙见?

    Do you have good suggestions for interior design ?

  13. 依我拙见,这看起来有一些酷。

    Which looks kinda cool in my humble opinion .

  14. 所以,如果拙见能起到抛砖引玉的作用已是幸事。

    So , if given to a view to play a valuable role is good .

  15. 这只是我对未来互联网教育的拙见。

    It is simply mind boggling to contemplate the future of education on the internet .

  16. 最后针对这些不足,对我国司法解散制度在司法运用提出了作者的一些拙见。

    The writer also put forward some advice for the improvement of our Judicial dissolution .

  17. 另外本文对《孟子》一书中的一些言论进行了评论,略述拙见。

    Also this article on " Mencius " some remarks made by a comment briefly .

  18. 以我拙见,该到王子改变他的形象的时候了。

    In my humble opinion , it is time for the prince to improve his image .

  19. 依我拙见,在核能世界中,真正的敌人是战争本身。

    In my humble opinion , in the nuclear world , the true enemy is war itself .

  20. 本文试就数字图书馆评估的相关理念提出了一点拙见以供广大同仁探讨。

    In the paper the author tries to put forward some humble opinions on relevant theory of digital library evaluation .

  21. 依我拙见,并不是所有有用的单词都包含在这个助动词表中。

    Even worse in my not-so-humble opinion is the fact that not all the helping verbs even appeared on the list .

  22. 对一些有争议词的归属问题,本文在比较各学者观点基础上提出了笔者的拙见。

    The author also expresses his own opinion about adscription of some controversial words on the base of comparing some scholars ' viewpoint .

  23. 说我是设计界的前辈,我实在不敢当,但是我愿意和大家分享我个人对于设计的一点拙见。

    Mr Ken Koo : I dare not say that I am a senior in the industry but I can share my personal suggestion .

  24. 本人拙见,自认为在问题的解决上结合真实案例区分公众公司与锁闭公司是本文的创新之处。

    In my humble opinion , the innovation is the combination of real examples in solution problems and distinguishes between public corporation and close corporation .

  25. 第四部分根据教科书建设、研究中尚待解决的问题,对新课标高中历史教科书的进一步发展提出一些拙见。

    The fourth part focuses on textbook construction and research of the problem to be solved , and puts forward some further development of textbooks .

  26. 本文通过分析当前虚拟参考咨询服务评价的现状,围绕虚拟参考咨询服务的评价标准与体系提出了一些拙见。

    Based on an analysis of the present situation of virtual reference service evaluation , this paper puts forward some opinions about the evaluation criteria and system .

  27. 文章就新近发现的其释义、例证中的可供商榷之处,再次提出拙见,以期对《古代汉语词典》的修订有些许益处。

    The paper puts forward different opinions from the latest development of its explanation and example in order to have highly good for revising Ancient Chinese Dictionary .

  28. 在前面论述的基础上,对如何有针对性解决问题,更好的构筑及完善我国消费者权益保护体系提出了自己的拙见。

    This part mainly proposes my own suggestions of constructing and improving consumer protection system in China and how to solve problems purposefully based on the above mentioned .

  29. 依我拙见,5月15日举行的记者招待会的筹备工作可分为两部分:文字材料及公共关系。

    In my humble opinion , the preparation work for the press conference to be held on May15 can be divided into two parts : editorial work and public relations .

  30. 我的一点拙见就是题目中特意注明加州的黄金时代起于1950年止于1963年(这一年恰好是肯尼迪总统遇刺的那年)稍显做作。

    One small quibble is the affectation in the title that this period of California 's history began in1950 and ended in1963 ( coincidentally the year of President Kennedy 's assassination ) .
