
  • 网络Restoration ecology;Ecological Restoration
  1. 采用恢复生态学理论和生态工程技术,设计出水陆交错带生态修复的实验方法,完成了长约50m实验段的构建。

    A 50 meters long of experimental bank was constructed by restoration ecology theory and ecological engineering methods .

  2. 矿区废弃地的恢复生态学研究

    The Advance on Restoration Ecology of Discarded Land in Mining Area

  3. 从恢复生态学的观点出发,应运用RS及GIS等新技术手段,监测生态环境变化,探索维持生态系统稳定性的机制。

    It is advised to apply RS , GIS and other hi tech means in monitoring changes in the ecological environment and to explore mechanisms for maintaining stability of the ecological system .

  4. 荒漠化防治中的恢复生态学研究热点

    Research Hotspot in the Field of Restoration Ecology upon Desertification Control

  5. 恢复生态学的研究动态

    Trends Development in Researches on Restoration Ecology in China and Foreign Countries

  6. 恢复生态学在工业废弃地改造中的应用

    The Application of Restorative Ecology to Renovation of Industrial Wasteland

  7. 恢复生态学与黄土高原生态系统的恢复与重建问题

    Restructure and Restoration of Ecosystem in Loess Plateau Based on Restoration Ecology

  8. 其中草地恢复生态学是治理退化草地的基础;

    Among them , restoration ecology was the foundation for restoring degenerative grasslands ;

  9. 日本山谷水田放弃地的赤杨林的恢复生态学

    Restoration ecology of alder swamp forest at abandoned paddies in valley , Japan

  10. 群落生态学理论是恢复生态学发展的基础。

    Theory of community ecology is basis of the development of restoration ecology .

  11. 加强恢复生态学基础理论研究,制定科学的工程评估和监测标准;

    Strengthening research of ecological restoration , framing the standard of evaluation and inspection ;

  12. 运用恢复生态学原理规划建设天目湖植物园

    Design and Construction of Tianmu Lake Botanical Garden with the Theory of Restoration Ecology

  13. 恢复生态学研究历史

    Studies on the history of restoration ecology

  14. 有关河流生态系统的恢复生态学研究综述

    Restoration Ecology of the River Ecosystem System

  15. 以恢复生态学、草坪学、景观生态学等学科为理论基础,并在广泛征求有关专家意见的基础上,首次对岩石边坡护坡植被综合评价系统进行了探讨,初步建立了岩石边坡植被恢复综合评价系统。

    This study explored and proposed the evaluation system for vegetation restoration of rock slope .

  16. 采矿地的生态重建和恢复生态学

    Ecological Reconstruction at Mines and Restoration Ecology

  17. 在进行植被修复的研究和实践中,注意发扬或引进具有重要资源价值的克隆植物是重要的恢复生态学思考和途径。

    Clonal plants may be of important resource value in the studies and practices of eco-remediation .

  18. 海南岛退化热带森林植被恢复生态学研究

    Study on Recovery Ecology of the Degraded Tropical Forest Vegetation in Hainan Island , South China

  19. 恢复生态学的研究动态动态场景中的背景恢复

    Development in Researches on Restoration Ecology in China and Foreign Countries The Background Recovery In Dynamic Environment

  20. 介绍恢复生态学的定义,阐述恢复生态学研究的层次、对象与目标,强调了开展恢复生态学的研究能够加强和促进相关新兴学科、边缘和交叉学科的联系、渗透和发展。

    This paper gives a definition of restoration ecology , introduces its contents and objectives of research .

  21. 矿区废弃地的恢复生态学研究已成为恢复生态学的一个重要的研究领域。

    Ecological restoration of damaged landscape such as depleted mined land is a focus of attention at present .

  22. 资源阈值对植物的影响是恢复生态学的重要议题。

    To study the influence of resources thresholds on plant growth is a major theme in restoration ecology .

  23. 谱写城市建设的辉煌篇章本文从生态学角度来研究我国农村金融生态问题,运用恢复生态学有关理论研究表明,我国农村金融生态系统功能正在逐步退化。

    Make Brilliant Achievements in Urban Construction The paper studies China rural financial ecology by restoration ecological methods and achievements .

  24. 近几年农牧交错带已经成为恢复生态学和全球气候变化研究的热点区域。

    For these reasons , ecotone has recently become a focus of research of restoration ecology and global climate change .

  25. 从恢复生态学原理出发,分析了陕北黄土高原生态系统退化的原因,着重探讨了陕北退化生态系统恢复与重建的措施,可集中归结为:树立人文精神的观念,以达到人与自然的和谐发展;

    Based on theory of restoration ecology , reasons of ecosystem degeneration on the Loess Plateau in North Shaanxi were analyzed .

  26. 其热点领域应在草地恢复生态学、草地界面生态学、草地放牧生态学、草地的健康诊断和草地的价值评估等5个方面。

    Some hot research fields were restoration ecology , interface ecology , grazing ecology , health diagnoses and evaluation for grasslands .

  27. 根据恢复生态学中植物群落演替理论、生物多样性理论,对岩石边坡植被护坡的恢复机理进行了分析。

    According to the restoration ecology , especially plant community succession and biodiversity theory , restoration regulation of slope eco-engineering is analyzed .

  28. 主要从土地的可持续发展理论、恢复生态学原理和发展与环境的恶性循环理论来阐述退耕还林和经济发展之间的关系。

    It set forth the relationship of returning farmland to Forests and economics developments on the theory of sustained developments and ecological balance .

  29. 论文基于生态系统生态学、景观生态学及恢复生态学基本原理,对坡面岩体基质植被系统结构与功能进行了详细阐述。

    The structure and function of SSV system was expatiated based on the principles of ecosystem ecology , landscape ecology and restoration ecology .

  30. 本研究从土壤生态学和恢复生态学的角度评价了矿渣废弃地退化生态系统土壤的特征;

    According to the angle of soil ecology and restoration ecology , the characteristics of degeneration ecosystem on the slag wastelands have described .