
  1. 张洁是新时期一位重要作家。

    Zhang Jie is an important writer of the new period .

  2. 张洁小说的女性意识浅谈

    Elementary Introduction to the Feminine Consciousness in Zhang Jie 's Novel

  3. 新时期女性小说的崛起与张洁的《方舟》&女性小说论稿之一

    Feminism Novels of the New Time and Fang Zhou by Zhang Jie

  4. 对理想生活的执着追求&张洁创作主题论之一

    Indomitable Pursuit of the Ideal Life ── Zhang Jie 's Creative Work

  5. 张洁小说的女性意识及其审美局限

    On the Feminist Consciousness and Aesthetic Limitation of Zhang Jie 's Novels

  6. 张洁小说叙述话语的嬗变

    Variance of Recount Speech in ZHANG Jie 's Fiction

  7. 本文是对张洁爱情观的综合考察。

    This paper is a general review about Zhang Jies concept of love .

  8. 理想主义者的人生求索历程&评张洁的三篇爱情小说

    Life Journey of an Idealist & On ZHANG Jie 's Three Love Stories

  9. 爱的追寻&重读张洁早期婚恋小说

    Pursuit of Love ── Reread Zhang Jie 's Early Novels about Love and Marriage

  10. 张洁小说语言音乐美试析

    Zhang Jie 's Novels Language Melody Beauty Analysis

  11. 爱就爱的彻底,恨就恨得刻骨,在爱与恨之间张洁从不妥协。

    Love and then love thoroughly , hate and then hate engrave the bone .

  12. 浪漫主义思潮对张洁1985年前作品影响较大。

    Zhang Jie 's literary works before 1985 was greatly influenced by romantic trend .

  13. 后现代场景中的失语与躁狂&张洁女性意识的社会文化解析

    Postmodern Scene of aphasia and manic & Grace women 's social and cultural awareness Analysis

  14. 张洁的绝望与超越&从《爱,是不能忘记的》到《无字》

    ZHANG Jie s Desperation and Disenchantment & From Never Forget Love to Without Word ;

  15. 张洁是中国当代文学史上影响颇深的一位女作家。

    Zhang Jie is one of the famous female writer on the Chinese Contemporary Literature .

  16. 基于张洁一贯的女性主义立场,《无字》无疑是一部关于女人的历史性作品。

    In accordance with feminism standpoint , BXNo Word is unquestionable a book of feminine history .

  17. 张洁的《无字》是近几年中国当代长篇小说创作中最重要的作品。

    No Word by Zhang Jie is the most important of contemporary Chinese novels in recent years .

  18. 而笔者认为,张洁在作品中对残缺爱情的表现尤为突出。

    The author believes that Zhang Jie works on the defects in the expression of love especially .

  19. 张洁是我国当代文学史上一位杰出而独特的女作家。

    Zhang Jie is an outstanding and unique female writer in the period of Chinese contemporary literature .

  20. 在张洁作品的整个创作中,着力最多的是对爱情的描写。

    Zhang Jie work in the creation , focus on the most is the description of love .

  21. 相似的理想追求&丁玲与张洁创作母题之比较

    Similar Pursuit of Ideality & A Comparison between the Theme of Ding Ling and Zhang Jie 's Novels

  22. 张洁文学创作风格四个时期的典型变化以及造成这种变化的原因可以从主客观两方面去阐述,本文结合作家独特的生活经历和生活理念重点探讨其中的主观原因。

    In this paper , the unique life experiences and writer living concept which focuses on subjective reasons .

  23. 而在《祖母绿》中,张洁已将爱升华为爱一切的大爱。

    In the " emerald ", the distillation of Zhang has love for the love of all love .

  24. 张洁的小说,受其个性和气韵的驱使,在其诸多作品之间有一种心灵的、情调的相通意蕴。

    Many of Zhang Jie 's novels , which are dominated by her personality , share a spiritual and emotional implication .

  25. 通过这个系列,女作家张洁展现了她在女性人生追求中进行的一段思考和探索,完成了女作家理想主义者的人生求索历程。

    Through this series , ZHANG Jie reflects and ponders on women life and finishes her life journey as an idealist .

  26. 同时,这一理解与阐释将使我们与张洁的创作文本一起回到了历史语境之中。

    Meanwhile , the understanding and explanation will bring Zhang Jie 's works and us together back to the historical environment .

  27. 张洁的女性观无疑是先进的,她特别强调女性的独立、自强。

    Zhang Jie 's attitude to the female is doubtless advanced , and she specially emphasizes female 's independence , self-renewal .

  28. 男女作家写作模式差异及其文化意味&以张洁《爱,是不能忘记的》和张弦《被爱情遗忘的角落》为例

    The Difference Between Male and Female Writers and Its Cultural Implications Illustrated by Unforgettable Love and The Corner Forgotten By Love

  29. 通过张洁前期小说的研究,分析张洁前期小说创作理想法则与生活法则的冲突现象;

    This paper focuses on the analysis of the conflicts between ideal principles and real principles in Zhang Jie 's early stage novels .

  30. 张洁小说与其说是表达新时期女性解放的宣言书,不如说是展现女性涅盘的阵痛与艰难的沉思录。

    Zhang Jie 's novels express more thought about throes and difficulties of female nirvana than declaration of female liberation during the New Period .