
  • 网络zhang;wei
  1. 我们必须从用好药转变为好好用药,中欧国际工商学院(CEIBS)的张炜表示。

    We need to move from the use of good drugs to the good use of drugs , says Zhang Wei from the China Europe International Business School .

  2. 论张炜小说的民粹主义倾向

    On the populism tendency in the novels by Zhang Wei

  3. 因而对张炜的整体创作态势予以关注,客观地分析作家的文学成就,进一步促进这方面研究的深入。

    His overall creation state and literary achievements are reviewed .

  4. 张炜小说的传统文化情结

    The Traditional Culture Complex in Zhang Wei ' Novels

  5. 在当代文坛上,张炜是一位重要而独具特色的作家。

    Zhang Wei is an important and distinctive writer in contemporary literary area .

  6. 浅析张炜小说的田园牧歌表现形式及审美内涵

    Study of the Arcadian Forms and Aesthetic Connotation in Zhang Wei 's Novels

  7. 其次,在寂寞的时空里,张炜悲恸地选择了沉默与忍受。

    Second , in loneliness , he chose silence and endurance with bitter .

  8. 张炜小说的民间情怀

    The Folk Feelings in Zhang Wei 's Stories

  9. 论不安抗辩权超越与回归&张炜创作中恋母倾向的深层解读

    On the Right of Counterplea Transcendence and Regression

  10. 张炜的近期绘画表现出作者对现实和历史的独到认识。

    Zhang Wei 's recent works expressed his recognition for reality as well as history .

  11. 第二章主要讨论张炜在历史理性与伦理的悖谬中的价值取向。

    The second part of the paper mainly discusses the paradox of history and ethics .

  12. 生命与道德的抗衡&张炜长篇小说批评

    The rivalry between life and ethics ── A critical review of Zhang Wei 's full-length novels

  13. 张炜小说中的龙口方言词汇语法现象

    A study on the Lexical and Grammatical Phenomenon of Longkou Dialect in Zhang Wei 's Novels

  14. 张炜笔下的知识分子对“启蒙现代性”进行着反思,旨在通过强调“审美现代性”来完善人们对于现代性的理解。

    His aim is to perfect the understanding of modernity through emphasizing " aesthetic modernity " .

  15. 大地伦理的践行者&对张炜作品意象的研究

    The Practitioner of Earth Ethnics : A Study of the Images in Zhang Wei 's Novels

  16. 1986年张炜推出的长篇小说《古船》典型地表现了这种变化。

    In 1986 Zhang Wei wrote the novel named 《 GuChuan 》 and typically expressed this change .

  17. 深入探究这些艺术特质,有助于更好地理解张炜和他的小说。

    Further study of these artistic features will be helpful to understand Zhang Wei and his novels .

  18. 在张炜的世界里,大地是人们精神得以寄托的最终归宿地,可以成为心灵避风的港湾,大地具备真诚与质朴的品质,大地代表着永恒。

    In his world , the earth is the final destination and haven bay for human spirits .

  19. 生长在这片齐鲁故土上,源远流长的齐鲁文化深深影响着张炜,不仅如此,齐鲁精神也贯穿在其作品之中。

    Growth in this Qilu homeland , the long history of Qilu culture deeply influenced Zhang Wei .

  20. 张炜对大地的回归,是诗人在险恶现实的紧逼面前的逃避和渴望获救的冲动。

    Zhang 's return to earth is expressive of his strong desire to escape from the harsh reality .

  21. 学术界对张炜小说的研究与其创作几乎同时展开,并且随着其小说创作的发展而不断深化。

    Meanwhile , academy on researching his novel carried out and even deepened in accordance with its development .

  22. 最后,张炜选择了坚守,并在坚韧中执着地选择了大地。

    Finally , Zhang Wei chose to stick , and was attached to the choice of the earth .

  23. 这对进一步认识张炜小说语言的整体面貌也有积极意义。

    This better understanding of Zhang Wei , the overall appearance of novel language has a positive meaning .

  24. 挖掘苦难这一主题在张炜长篇小说中的特殊意义,以及张炜围绕这一主题所生发的思考,从而解释张炜道德理想主义产生的缘由。

    The kind of significance and his thinking about the theme explain the origin of his moral idealism .

  25. 尤其是张炜对工业文明的警示与抗议过于强烈,不免呈现出保守倾向。

    Zhang Wei 's undue vigilance and protest against industrial civilization has inevitably show a " conservative " tendency .

  26. 张炜正是想通过这种写作追求,帮助人们回归自我,这体现出了张炜的人文关怀立场。

    Through this writing pursuit , Zhang Wei has been helping people to return , which embodies his humanistic care .

  27. 张炜用荒诞的真实提示着我们重新审视我们周围的发生和我们对过去的认识。

    Zhang Wei 's works remind us to re-exam what have happened around us & re-discover what have happened in the past .

  28. 受到张炜否定的是异化的社会和人,以及人与自然对立冲突的观念;

    What Zhang Wei negates is the understanding society and human beings , and the concept that humans and the society are contradictory .

  29. 叙事技巧由简趋繁的探索显示了张炜的创作发展轨迹。

    The turning of the narrative technique from simple form to propagate plots shows the development of Zhangwei 's creation and modern features .

  30. 强烈的道德感、鲜明的民间化倾向和反现代性立场是张炜区别于当代文坛其他小说家的鲜明特色。

    The strong moral sense , the vivid folk style , and the trenchant anti-modernism distinguish him from other novelists of the time .