
  1. 张志强说道,显然,在这个案例中,合同设计方面存在问题。

    That would obviously be a case where there was a problem with the contract design .

  2. 张志强表示,因此,如果我们想让课程实现其对学员进行恰当评估的目的,我就需要在那里看和听。

    So if we want the programme to fulfil its purpose of properly assessing people , I need to be there to look and listen .

  3. 理论上讲,中国有严格的食品安全法规,但问题往往出在执行上,香港中文大学食品及营养科学学科主任张志强在接受采访时说。

    Theoretically , China has strict food safety regulations , but execution is often the problem , Peter Cheung , director of the Food and Nutritional Science Program at the Chinese University of Hong Kong , said in an interview .