
  1. 我叫张涛,号码是356-7981。

    My name is Zhang tao , and the phone number is356-7981 .

  2. 从出土简牍看汉帝国中央的信息发布&兼评张涛先生的府报说

    Recent Discovered Bamboo Slips and News Release of Imperial Central Government in Han Dynasty

  3. 随后张涛因下颌受伤而被送进了医院。

    Zheng Tao was later taken to a local hospital with a jaw injury .

  4. 张涛将与美团首席执行官王兴出任联席主席兼联席首席执行官。

    Mr. Tao will be co-chairman and co-chief executive with Meituan 's chief executive , Wang Xing .

  5. “我们还需要进一步研究如何将最终的一些醇类副产品分离开。”张涛说。

    " We still require further work on the separation of all the alcohol by-products ," Zhang says .

  6. 贾法尔·萨迪克·阿拉维在与中国驻伊拉克大使张涛和中国专家小组会晤时发表了上述讲话。

    Jaafar Sadiq Allawi made the remarks during a meeting with Chinese Ambassador to Iraq Zhang Tao and a team of Chinese experts .

  7. 张涛:服务密集型行业确实存在很大的人才流失,我们不可否认也会同样面临。

    Zhang Tao : Speaking the secret , I do think there is no more secret in today 's world . I can not deny that there exists an overwhelming loss of talents in service-intensive industries .