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  1. 由张春霆教授提出的Z曲线方法为分析DNA序列提供了一个直观的、可视化的工具。

    The Z curve theory , developed by Dr. Chun-Ting Zhang , provides an intuitive tool for visualizing and analyzing DNA sequences .

  2. 本论文就是以张春霆教授提出的Z曲线理论为基础,结合小波变换多尺度分析理论,来识别isochore边界。

    Incorporated with the Z curve method , the technique of wavelet multiresolution ( also known as multiscale ) analysis has been proposed to identify the boundaries of isochores in the human genome .

  3. 同时推广了张春霆等提出的内容平衡精度指数,使其能评估任意类的分类问题。

    The content-balancing accuracy index presented by Zhang CT is extended to solve any classification problem .