
  1. 陈旭还表示,中国愿意帮助阿富汗重建。

    Chen Xu also says China is ready to help with Afghanistan 's reconstruction .

  2. 陈旭表示,中方欢迎并支持联合国向阿富汗提供人道主义援助的呼吁。

    Chen Xu added that China welcomes and supports the UN 's appeal for humanitarian assistance for Afghanistan .

  3. 中国代表团团长陈旭大使在第74届执理会上的发言

    Statement by Ambassador Chen Xu , Head of the Chinese Delegation , at the Seventy-Fourth Session of the Executive Council

  4. 陈旭还确认,中国政府正就米歇尔·巴切莱特的具体访问安排同其办公室保持密切沟通。

    Chen Xu also confirmed that China is working closely with the office of Michelle Bachelet on detailed arrangements for her trip .