
  • 网络Anfield Stadium;Anfield Road
  1. 托雷斯下赛季将首次身穿蓝色球衣踏上安菲尔德球场。

    Fernando Torres will make his first return to Anfield in a Chelsea shirt next season .

  2. 这是一次对于他们来说非常好的机会在安菲尔德球场比赛,而且哥知道他们都很犀利!

    It 's always a nice experience to go and play at Anfield for the first time and we know they have great talent .

  3. 安菲尔德球场也许见证了阿森纳历史上最神奇的一个夜晚。

    The venue of arguably the most dramatic night in Arsenal 's history .

  4. 几天前我们在安菲尔德球场揭幕的纪念碑就是一个友谊之碑,我们希望这种友谊可以长存。

    The monument we unveiled a few days ago at Anfield Road is a monument of friendship , that we want to last forever .

  5. 如果周六切尔西在安菲尔德球场能够战胜利物浦,这将会有助于肯扬将矛盾化解。

    Kenyon 's peace mission combined with a commanding victory over Liverpool at Anfield on Saturday could help restore some calm to the situation .

  6. 从美国大联盟到英超联赛的权益转换将会继续连结在高程度的状况,这不仅包罗球迷还有新入主安菲尔德球场的美国老板。

    There continues to be a high level of interest from the US in the Premier League both in terms of fans and also the influx of US owners .

  7. 当英国的新闻媒体正充斥着利物浦将在一月份把他带到安菲尔德球场的报道时,意大利人正准备暗渡陈仓。

    While the British press is filled with stories of liverpool 's offer to bring him to Anfield Road on loan in january , the Italians are prepared to sneak in .

  8. 利物浦当地议员沃伦·布拉德利近日告诉《回声报》以及《广播城市》,利物浦俱乐部已经向他表达了希望在2010年初对新安菲尔德球场进行重新动工的想法。

    Councillor Warren Bradley told the Liverpool Echo and Radio City that he has been told by the club they hope to make progress on the new stadium in the first quarter of2010 .

  9. 他信任杰拉德,后者是在媒体向霍利尔炮轰的时候霍利尔坚定的支持者,他不会考虑离开,因为他认为每周带领球队走进安菲尔德球场都是一种荣誉。

    And he believes Gerrard , one of the staunchest defenders of Houllier when the flak was flying , would not consider leaving because he rates it such an honour to lead out the team at Anfield every week .

  10. 热刺,被一直争欧洲冠军联赛前四名的利物浦在安菲尔德猎球场上击败了。但很意外地反弹了,对伦敦一支强队富勒姆在白鹿巷球场,轻松地拿下了2:0胜利。

    Spurs , who were beaten at Anfield by their fellow UEFA Champions League chasers last week , bounced back with a2-0 home success against London rivals Fulham at White Hart Lane .

  11. 我认为世界上没有几个能与安菲尔德相提并论的球场气氛了,现在我们寄希望于在这里拿下更多的胜利。

    There is no other place in the world as exciting as Anfield and I 'm looking forward to more victories here .

  12. 我们因此决定在安菲尔德侦查,对俱乐部来说,这是非常棒的消息,因为安菲尔德地区非常接近球场,一些不良的行为和容易影响当地的家庭和他们孩子成长。

    We therefore took the decision to work in Anfield , which is great for the club because it is close to the stadium and will affect the local families and their children .