
  1. 加强教育培训管理夯实安全生产基础

    Strengthening Education Training Management to Ram Safety Production Base

  2. 加强企业安全生产基础工作,完善安全生产技术规范和质量工作标准。

    We will improve basic safety work in enterprises and improve technical and quality standards for production safety .

  3. 受多种因素的制约和影响,河南省高危行业安全生产基础比较薄弱,安全生产形势依然严峻。

    Affected by many factors , the operation security of high-danger occupation has a weak basis and the whole situation is still serious .

  4. 同时,中小煤矿的安全生产基础薄弱、事故发生率高,是政府管制的重点。

    Meanwhile , as their weak safety foundation and accident-prone , small and medium-sized ( SM ) coal mines have became the focus of safety regulation .

  5. 对供电企业安全生产基础状况进行全面的安全性评价,旨在达到超前发现和控制存在问题,及时整改存在的缺陷,不断夯实安全生产基础的目的。

    The status of power supply enterprises is completely evaluated , in order to find hidden security problem ahead of time , correct the defect and consolidate the foundation of producing security in time .

  6. GMP被视为食品安全生产的基础,而建筑和设施的卫生是其重要内容之一,因此,乳制品工厂在选址、总图布局、建筑和设施设计时应始终重视卫生设计。

    GMP were regarded as the base of food safety production , construction and establishment 's hygienic design is GMP 's one of important content , thus , dairy products plant ought to be attached importance to construction and establishment 's hygienic design at all the time .

  7. 操作票的开写是电力系统进行电气操作前必须履行的一项重要工作,正确无误的操作票是电力安全生产的基础。

    The creation of the operation ticket is an important task in the operation of the power system and is also the foundation of safety production .

  8. 通过对实例的全面分析,阐明了加强地质工作对预防,控制各类灾害的重要意义,进一步确立了矿井地质工作对煤矿安全生产的基础作用。

    Through analyzing on actual examples , expounds the significance of strengthening mine geology work in disaster protection and control and basic action to coal mine safety production .

  9. 查明井田瓦斯富集的地质主控因素,是制定瓦斯治理措施、保障煤矿安全生产的基础。

    Making clear the geologic master factor for control of gas enrichment in the mine field is the foundation for safe production and for taking measures to control the gas .

  10. 矿井通风是煤矿安全生产的基础,通风网络解算是通风系统中的重中之重,能够准确的进行通风网络解算是通风安全管理的前提。

    Mining ventilation is the base of safe mining , and ventilation network analysis and computation is the most important of ventilation system . It is the premise of safety management of ventilation to analyze and compute ventilation network accurately .

  11. 在分析了我国煤矿安全生产现状的基础上,介绍了基于Web的顶板控制设计决策支持系统开发的必要性。

    Firstly , this paper analyzed the state of safety in coal mines of China , introduced the necessary of development on " dss of roof control designing based on web " .

  12. 矿井地质是煤矿安全生产中的基础性技术工作。

    Pit geology is the basic technical work of coal mine safety .

  13. 焦炭塔剩余寿命评估为延迟焦化装置的安全生产奠定了基础。

    Residual life evaluation establishes a foundation of safety production of delay coking unit .

  14. 通过这一设备的使用,较好地解决了顶钻难题,为煤矿的安全生产奠定了基础。

    By using this device , some technical problems have been solved and a foundation has been laid for the mine safty production .

  15. 矿井通风是创造矿井正常生产环境和安全生产条件的基础,也是矿井安全生产的基本保障。

    The mine ventilation is the foundation of creating regular production environment and safety production condition , and also is the basic safeguard of mine production .

  16. 此外,为实现煤矿长期稳定的安全生产奠定理论基础和方法基础,具有一定的理论意义和实践意义。

    Besides these , it has a certain theoretical and practical significance , which provides the theoretical foundation and methods for achieving the long-term stability of colliery security production .

  17. 采前查明采区或采煤工作面的地质条件是保障高产高效矿井安全生产的重要基础。

    It is important to ascertain geological condition in a coal face or a mine area before mining , so as to secure a high output and high profit mine in safety production .

  18. 本研究计算结果符合现场实际,分析结果为矿山安全生产提供了理论基础。

    The computed results are consistent with the local fact situation ; the analysis results give theory basis for safe production in mine .

  19. 利用信息手段为矿山企业的安全生产提供坚实的基础,已是矿业信息化的趋势所至。

    To offer the solid foundation by the information for safety in production of mine enterprises , is the trend of the informationization of mining industry .

  20. 本文在安庆市直森工系统安全生产工作实践的基础上,从五个方面对2002年安全生产工作进行了认真、高度的概括和总结,旨在进一步指导和搞好安全生产,确保一方平安。

    This article summarizes safe production work performed in2002 from five aspects , on the basis of safety practices in various aspects of production of Anqing forest system , the purpose of which is to continue to improve the safety record and safe environment for production workers .

  21. 强化公共安全体系和企业安全生产基础建设,遏制重特大安全事故。

    We should improve the public safety system and the workplace safety environment in enterprises to curb major and very serious accidents .

  22. 为此,笔者在分析了安全科学技术对安全生产的保障作用基础上,就如何增强科学意识,坚持科学态度,树立科学发展观,推动安全科学技术发展进行了分析和讨论。

    The promotion effect of safety science and technology on production safety is analyzed .

  23. 煤矿安全质量标准化是煤矿安全生产的基础,是建立煤矿安全长效机制的主要内容和根本途径。

    Mine safety and quality standardization based on coal mine production safety is the main content and the fundamental way to establishing a long-term mechanism of coal mine safety .

  24. 企业安全文化建设是实现安全生产长效机制的基础性工作。

    Enterprise safety culture construction is a basic work to realize the long - effect mechanism of safety work .

  25. 安全事故机理是施工企业构建安全生产过程的理论基础。

    Contruction companies structure work safety process based on safety accident mechanism .

  26. 安全文化建设是生产经营单位建立安全生产长效机制的基础,是实现建设小康社会发展目标的保证。

    The construction of safety culture is the foundation for the businesses to build the long-term mechanism of safe production .

  27. 规范渔业船舶安全管理实体组织,控制隐患,消除危险,夯实安全生产基础。

    Regulates the organization of fishery ships safety management , control hidden risk , cancel dangerous , lay the foundation of very safe production .

  28. 安全文化是安全科学发展之本,是高危行业安全生产、生存的基础和灵魂。

    Safety culture is the basis for safety science to develop , is the soul of the safety at work and the existing of the high dangerous industry .

  29. 安全文化作为一种重要的安全管理模式,是预防事故、提升企业安全管理水平和保障安全生产的基础性对策。

    As an important safety management model , safety culture is a basic strategy to prevent accidents , improve security management and ensure safety .

  30. 如果只注意“我要安全”,而不要或不重视“要我安全”的问题,那也是不对的,安全生产的工作基础也不会是牢固的。

    If we only pay attention to " I want to be safe ," and fail to pay attention to " want me to be safe ", it is wrong , and the basis of production safety will not be solid , too .