
  • 网络Chamillionaire;Bob Roberts;Born to Win
  1. 通过成功领航科技和社交媒体世界,天生赢家以及与之类似的歌手,事业蒸蒸日上。

    Chamillionaire and rappers like him are bolstering their careers through successful navigation of the tech and social media world .

  2. 后来他又演过《侠盗王子罗宾汉》中诺丁汉郡长一角,并陆续出演了《天生赢家》、《理智与情感》、《天条》和《哈利波特与魔法石》等影片。

    He went on to star as Sheriff of Nottingham in Robin Hood : Prince of Thieves , along with roles in Bob Roberts , Sense and Sensibility and Dogma before he took on the role in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer 's Stone .

  3. 没有人天生就是赢家。

    No one is born a winner .

  4. 他是个天生的赢家,求胜心与生俱来。

    He 's a natural winner and his desire is inborn .

  5. 我们是天生的赢家。

    We were born to win .

  6. 相信自己!每个人都是天生的赢家,你的人生态度将决定你是否能成为最后的赢家!

    Believe in yourself , Everyone is born a winner , How you lead your life will determine if you will die a winner !

  7. 这件事我一直挥之不去,因为我天生是个赢家。

    That 's what has stayed with me , because I 'm a winner .