
  • Plenty of fish in the sea;There are plenty of fish in the sea
  1. 坚持不懈,或是放弃,天涯何处无芳草。

    Perseverance , or give up , there are plenty of fish in the sea .

  2. 玛丽:杰克,我不知道该怎么安慰你。振作点吧!天涯何处无芳草。你会找到心目中的伴侣,完美的结合的。

    Mary : jack , I don 't know what to say to comfort you , but cheer up ! There 's plenty of fish in the sea and you 'll find your soul mate , your perfect match !

  3. “振作起来吧,天涯何处无芳草。”

    " Snap out of it , you can find another girlfriend . "

  4. 天涯何处无芳草。海里的鱼多得是。

    There are plenty of fish in the sea .

  5. 这个男子说他找得到别的女孩子&天涯何处无芳草。

    The man said he could find other girls & she was not the only fish in the sea .

  6. 我男朋友和我分手了,可我不在乎&天涯何处无芳草。

    My boyfriend and I have split up but I don 't care-there 's plenty more fish in the sea .

  7. 我告诉她别担心,她会再找到一个的,因为天涯何处无芳草(海里还有很多其他的鱼)。

    I told her not to worry , she will find another one because there are plenty of other fish in the sea .

  8. 我妹妹最近跟她男朋友分手了,我告诉她别伤心,她会找着一个合适的人的,天涯何处无芳草嘛!

    Recently , my sister broke up with her boyfriend . I told her not to worry , she will find another one because there are plenty of fish in the sea .

  9. 只有一种方式知道答案,那就是去问。如果你没有成功,他们拒绝你了,嗯好的,天涯何处无芳草。

    Theres only one way to find out and that is to ask . If you are not successful and they turn you down , oh well , there are plenty more fish in the sea .

  10. “天涯何处无芳草”,对那些知道自己几个月都见不到其他女人的男人来说,可能只是一个安慰。

    The maxim " There are plenty more fish in the sea " would be even less of a comfort to a man who knows that he might not set eyes on another single woman for months .